
Recent reports in this category are shown below:

  • Oxford Health NHS (23 008 538a)

    Statement Upheld Mental health services 02-Sep-2024

    Summary: Ms X complained about Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, and NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board. She complained about faults relating to aftercare under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983. We have upheld Ms X’s complaints about discharge, assessment, care planning and personal health budgets. We did not uphold the rest of Ms X’s complaints. The organisations have accepted our recommendations, so we have completed our investigation.

  • NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB - Buckinghamshire (23 008 538b)

    Statement Upheld Mental health services 02-Sep-2024

    Summary: Ms X complained about Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, and NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board. She complained about faults relating to aftercare under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983. We have upheld Ms X’s complaints about discharge, assessment, care planning and personal health budgets. We did not uphold the rest of Ms X’s complaints. The organisations have accepted our recommendations, so we have completed our investigation.

  • NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB (23 016 524b)

    Statement Not upheld Assessment and funding 27-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains about the care provided to her deceased partner Mr Y. Park House Care Home ran out of his prescribed antibiotic, he got an infection and three days later sadly died. We found indications of fault; staff did not keep accurate records, so I do not know what happened. We cannot remedy the injustice to Mr Y so we recommended and Four Seasons agreed to apologise, make service improvements and a symbolic payment to remedy the injustice to Miss X.

  • Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust (23 006 822a)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Hospital acute services 27-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains about matters affecting her late aunt, Miss Y’s, discharge from hospital. We will not investigate this complaint. An investigation is unlikely to find fault in the discharge process or achieve the outcomes Miss X seeks.

  • Epsom and St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust (23 006 822b)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Hospital acute services 27-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains about matters affecting her late aunt, Miss Y’s, discharge from hospital. We will not investigate this complaint. An investigation is unlikely to find fault in the discharge process or achieve the outcomes Miss X seeks.

  • NHS Lincolnshire ICB (24 002 781b)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 26-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mr X complains about the way the Nursing Home cared for his mother, Mrs Y, and her belongings. We will not investigate this complaint because the organisation has already admitted fault in several areas of Mrs Y’s care. It has apologised, made service improvements, and trained its staff to ensure the faults do not happen again. It has also accepted it has lost one of her rings. Further investigation by the Ombudsmen would not achieve anything more.

  • Whittington Health NHS Trust (24 004 353a)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 26-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains about poor communication and information handling by London Borough of Islington (the Council) and Whittington Health NHS Trust (the Trust). We will not investigate her complaints. An investigation is unlikely to find fault in the Council’s communication with her before it started an assessment. The injustice to Miss X from any poor information handling is not enough to justify an investigation by the Ombudsmen and the Information Commissioner may be better placed to consider these issues.

  • Willow Care & Support Ltd (23 011 874a)

    Statement Upheld Mental health services 21-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss A complained about a council and care agency regarding her placement at supported accommodation. We found fault with the agency for the care it provided which led to risks to Miss A’s mental and physical health. The agency has carried out work to improve its care and will provide a personal remedy to Miss A.

  • NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICB (23 011 874b)

    Statement Not upheld Mental health services 21-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss A complained about a council and care agency regarding her placement at supported accommodation. We found fault with the agency for the care it provided which led to risks to Miss A’s mental and physical health. The agency has carried out work to improve its care and will provide a personal remedy to Miss A.

  • Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - North Hampshire Hospital (24 001 351a)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Hospital acute services 20-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mr A complains the Council caused delays in Mrs B being discharged from hospital because it did not complete its safeguarding enquiries quickly. We will not investigate this complaint further because we found no fault with the actions of the Council.

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