Recent statements in this category are shown below:
Southern Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (24 001 351b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Ambulance services 20-Aug-2024
Summary: Mr A complains the Council caused delays in Mrs B being discharged from hospital because it did not complete its safeguarding enquiries quickly. We will not investigate this complaint further because we found no fault with the actions of the Council.
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (23 008 797a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Ambulance services 27-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about his late brother’s care and treatment during April to August 2021. This is because a significant amount of time has passed since the events Mr X is complaining about occurred and it would have been reasonable for Mr X to complain to us sooner. We are also unlikely to be able to make the findings sought by Mr X about his brother’s cause of death.
South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (23 012 440b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Ambulance services 02-Feb-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about Hartcliffe Nursing Home’s actions before and after Mr Y’s admission to hospital. We are unlikely to achieve a different outcome for her.
North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (22 002 090a)
Statement Not upheld Ambulance services 20-Dec-2022
Summary: We found fault in the way a Council, Mental Health Trust and GP Practice supported a vulnerable man in the community for over two years. Each of the organisations has accepted its failings and the impact of them and has taken steps to prevent recurrences, so we have not recommended any further action. We also found a Hospital Trust failed to properly assess the man’s mental capacity while he was an inpatient. This has left the man’s family with uncertainty which is an injustice to them. The Hospital Trust has agreed to provide an apology and to offer a small financial payment to address this.
Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust (21 009 384a)
Statement Not upheld Ambulance services 22-Sep-2022
Summary: Ms A complained about several organisations involved in her father, Mr D’s care, when his physical health and behaviour deteriorated towards the end of his life. Mr D had dementia. Ms A said failings in Mr D’s care meant his family were distressed by his deterioration. We found fault with a Council. and it agreed to take action to improve. We also found fault with an Ambulance Trust, but it has taken appropriate action to address this fault. We did not find fault with the other organisations.
West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (20 012 668c)
Statement Not upheld Ambulance services 08-Mar-2022
Summary: The Ombudsmen find a Nursing Home, Hospital Trust and Ambulance Trust responded appropriately when a Nursing Home resident became unwell in March 2020. Based on the evidence seen to date, professionals completed appropriate assessments and acted in line with guidance in place at that time. There was fault in the way the Nursing Home handled a relative’s request for copies of records. We have made recommendations to address this.