Community hospital services

Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • NHS Greater Manchester ICB (23 002 530a)

    Statement Upheld Community hospital services 21-Apr-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs A’s late brother, Mr B. We found fault with the Integrated Care Board who did not respond to Mrs A’s complaints in a timely manner, made a derogatory comment about her and interpreted her words rather than seeking clarification. We recommended and the ICB agreed to apologise to Mrs A to remedy the injustice. We found no fault with the actions of the Council, Park Hills Care Home and the Trust.

  • Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (23 002 530b)

    Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 21-Apr-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs A’s late brother, Mr B. We found fault with the Integrated Care Board who did not respond to Mrs A’s complaints in a timely manner, made a derogatory comment about her and interpreted her words rather than seeking clarification. We recommended and the ICB agreed to apologise to Mrs A to remedy the injustice. We found no fault with the actions of the Council, Park Hills Care Home and the Trust.

  • Park Hills Home Care Ltd (23 002 530c)

    Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 21-Apr-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs A’s late brother, Mr B. We found fault with the Integrated Care Board who did not respond to Mrs A’s complaints in a timely manner, made a derogatory comment about her and interpreted her words rather than seeking clarification. We recommended and the ICB agreed to apologise to Mrs A to remedy the injustice. We found no fault with the actions of the Council, Park Hills Care Home and the Trust.

  • Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (23 001 371a)

    Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 15-Mar-2024

    Summary: Mrs A complains about an independent investigation report commissioned by a Council about the care of her son, Mr B. I found fault with some aspects of the investigation in relation to communication issues between the family and Mr B’s carers. The Council have agreed to apologise to Mrs A for the uncertainty caused by this fault.

  • The Park Nursing Home (Sanctuary Care) (23 005 861a)

    Statement Upheld Community hospital services 01-Feb-2024

    Summary: We found fault with a nursing home regarding the standard of its record-keeping. This caused Ms Y distress and uncertainty. The nursing home will apologise for this and take action to prevent similar problems occurring in future. The nursing home will also make a symbolic payment in recognition of Ms Y’s distress.

  • Sirona Care & Health C.I.C. (23 009 326b)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 18-Jan-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mrs B’s complaint about the way her mother, Mrs C, was discharged from a rehabilitation unit, and about her admission to and the discharge from hospital. This is because we would be unlikely to add to the responses Mrs B has already received from the organisations.

  • Four Seasons Health Care (22 018 067a)

    Statement Upheld Community hospital services 15-Jan-2024

    Summary: Four Seasons Health Care and Sunderland City Council missed an opportunity to consider further support to reduce the risk of Mr Y falling. Four Seasons’ record keeping was not in line with the relevant guidance. It should also have considered Mr Y’s welfare when residents wandered into his room. Those faults caused Mrs X an injustice which the organisations have agreed to remedy.

  • Home Instead (23 001 596a)

    Statement Upheld Community hospital services 21-Dec-2023

    Summary: We uphold Mrs X’s complaint about the way the Care Provider responded to her concerns when her care visit times were changed. We found the Care Provider failed to properly consider Mrs X’s preferences. As a result, Mrs X was caused unnecessary frustration and upset. We recommend the Care Provider apologises to Mrs X and reviews its processes.

  • Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (23 009 044b)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 29-Nov-2023

    Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about a Council’s handling of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. This is because there is no evidence of significant injustice to Miss X or her late mother to warrant an Ombudsman investigation.

  • Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (23 001 230a)

    Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 27-Nov-2023

    Summary: We found fault by the Council as it delayed in arranging a multidisciplinary team meeting to reach a consensus on Miss Y’s care needs and how they should be met. The Council will now make a retrospective decision as to whether a profiling bed was an appropriate means of meeting Miss Y’s night-time care needs. We found no fault by a Trust that was also involved in Miss Y’s care.

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