Hospital acute services

Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (23 009 356a)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained that health and social care professionals would not allow her to take her husband home from hospital. We did not find fault in the organisations’ actions. There is evidence to suggest professionals followed legislation and guidance in exploring concerns they had about the safety of the plan.

  • Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (23 009 356b)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 28-May-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained that health and social care professionals would not allow her to take her husband home from hospital. We did not find fault in the organisations’ actions. There is evidence to suggest professionals followed legislation and guidance in exploring concerns they had about the safety of the plan.

  • Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (23 005 396a)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 19-May-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs M and the way the Council dealt with Mr L. We found fault with the Council who failed to fully explain the financial implications of a temporary care home stay to Mr L. The Council also failed to communicate with Mr L about delays in Mrs M leaving the care home; the Council has already remedied this injustice. We recommended and the Council agreed to an apology and a symbolic payment to remedy the outstanding injustice to Mr L. We found no fault with the Trust.

  • Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (23 005 396b)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 19-May-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the care provided to Mrs M and the way the Council dealt with Mr L. We found fault with the Council who failed to fully explain the financial implications of a temporary care home stay to Mr L. The Council also failed to communicate with Mr L about delays in Mrs M leaving the care home; the Council has already remedied this injustice. We recommended and the Council agreed to an apology and a symbolic payment to remedy the outstanding injustice to Mr L. We found no fault with the Trust.

  • Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust (22 017 440b)

    Statement Upheld Hospital acute services 16-May-2024

    Summary: We uphold Miss Y’s complaint about her father’s hospital discharge and care. We found fault with the way Mr X was discharged from hospital, the care he received in a care home and some aspects of his hospital inpatient care. As a result, Mr X did not receive the care he was entitled to. Miss Y has also experienced distress and uncertainty. The Council and the Trust have agreed to apologise to Miss Y, and the Council has agreed to make systemic improvements and pay a financial remedy.

  • East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (23 007 966a)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 14-May-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained about the treatment and care provided to his late mother, Mrs Y, by the Trust, Council and Practice, after Mrs Y was diagnosed with pneumonia. We found no fault by the Trust in its decision to discharge Mrs Y, although we found fault in its lack of communication with Mr X about this. The Trust provided an appropriate apology to Mr X and has taken reasonable steps to prevent recurrence. We found fault by the Council, in that the care home did not follow up a call to the Practice. We found the care home appropriately apologised and took reasonable steps to improve services. Regarding the complaint about the Practice, we found the Practice took appropriate action to prevent recurrence of the fault it had already identified, in not making a follow up call for a telephone consultation, and has apologised to Mr X.

  • Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (23 007 279a)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 29-Apr-2024

    Summary: Mr A has complained about a Trust and a Council in relation to his father’s discharge from hospital. We found fault with the Trust but not the Council.

  • Barts Health NHS Trust (23 009 939b)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Hospital acute services 23-Apr-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the decision to detain a patient under the Mental Health Act, because of concerns they were refusing treatment for their physical health. This is because there was a right to appeal the assessment outcome through a tribunal and it would have been reasonable to use this.

  • Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (23 014 843b)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Hospital acute services 23-Apr-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the care provided to her mother, Ms Y. This is because an investigation by the Ombudsmen would be unlikely to identify fault by the organisations involved in some aspects of Ms Y’s care. With regards to other parts of the Ms Y’s care, an investigation by the Ombudsmen would be unlikely to add anything to the investigations already carried out by the organisations Miss X is complaining about.

  • University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (23 000 082a)

    Statement Not upheld Hospital acute services 04-Mar-2024

    Summary: Mr D complained about the care and support provided to his late mother, Mrs G, when she was discharged from hospital to a care home. We did not find fault by the Trust or the Council. There was fault in the way the Home recorded Mrs G’s weight and it failed to refer her for a continence assessment. The Home agreed to our recommendations to apologise to Mr D and Mr G and make symbolic payments.

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