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London Borough of Ealing (23 014 586)
Report Upheld Homelessness 21-Aug-2024
Summary: Miss X complained about how the Council dealt with her housing application when she was pregnant and homeless having fled domestic abuse.
Coulson & Collins Care Home Ltd (22 011 518)
Report Upheld Charging 15-Aug-2024
Summary: The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigated a complaint about Coulson & Collins Care Home Ltd. We found the care provider did not correctly record and refund an overpayment for the complainant’s late father’s care, incorrectly charged an administration fee, and delayed responding to her. It means her father’s estate is at a financial loss and she has been caused uncertainty and distress, as well as the frustration of having to complain to us.
Devon County Council (23 001 435)
Report Upheld Other 08-Aug-2024
Summary: Miss B complained on behalf of her son, Mr C, that the Council failed to ensure an effective transition of social work services when he turned 18. In particular, that he had to leave a children’s home placement and move to a supported living placement 30 miles away. This left him further from his family and place of education, for which the Council initially failed to provide transport. Miss B says as a result Mr C became isolated from her and missed half a term of education. Miss B says the Council knew Mr C experiences anxiety and has a history of self-harming and its actions put him at increased risk of these behaviours. Miss B says she also suffered her own distress being unable to see Mr C as often as before.
London Borough of Croydon (24 004 206)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Managing council tenancies 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about the way the Council responded to the complainant’s reports of nuisance from a neighbour. This is because we have no power to investigate a council when it is acting as a landlord.
Buckinghamshire Council (24 004 218)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Parking and other penalties 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council’s handling of a penalty charge notice. This is because it would be reasonable for Mr X to apply to the Traffic Enforcement Centre to challenge the Council’s escalation of the case.
Surrey County Council (24 004 326)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about damage caused to Ms X’s vehicle when the Council removed the road surface. The matter is best dealt with as an insurance claim, which should be escalated to the courts should no resolution be achieved.
Transport for London (24 004 331)
Statement Upheld Traffic management 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the scrappage scheme for a taxi because the Authority has agreed a fair remedy.
Bury Metropolitan Borough Council (24 004 413)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Special educational needs 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about the Council’s conduct during an appeal to the SEND Tribunal. The law prevents us from investigating complaints about the actions of a council during a tribunal appeal.
Warwickshire County Council (24 004 598)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Councillor conduct and standards 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council dealt with a complaint about the conduct of councillors. This is because we are unlikely to find fault. The complainant has also not suffered any significant injustice because of the alleged fault.
Suffolk County Council (24 004 687)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 30-Jul-2024
Summary: We cannot investigate Mr X’s complaint because it lies outside our jurisdiction. The law prevents us from investigating complaints about matters that have been, or are being, considered in court proceedings. We have no discretion to do so.