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  • London Borough of Ealing (23 014 586)

    Report Upheld Homelessness 21-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about how the Council dealt with her housing application when she was pregnant and homeless having fled domestic abuse.

  • Coulson & Collins Care Home Ltd (22 011 518)

    Report Upheld Charging 15-Aug-2024

    Summary: The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman investigated a complaint about Coulson & Collins Care Home Ltd. We found the care provider did not correctly record and refund an overpayment for the complainant’s late father’s care, incorrectly charged an administration fee, and delayed responding to her. It means her father’s estate is at a financial loss and she has been caused uncertainty and distress, as well as the frustration of having to complain to us.

  • Devon County Council (23 001 435)

    Report Upheld Other 08-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss B complained on behalf of her son, Mr C, that the Council failed to ensure an effective transition of social work services when he turned 18. In particular, that he had to leave a children’s home placement and move to a supported living placement 30 miles away. This left him further from his family and place of education, for which the Council initially failed to provide transport. Miss B says as a result Mr C became isolated from her and missed half a term of education. Miss B says the Council knew Mr C experiences anxiety and has a history of self-harming and its actions put him at increased risk of these behaviours. Miss B says she also suffered her own distress being unable to see Mr C as often as before.

  • Cornwall Council (23 012 033)

    Statement Upheld Safeguarding 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: Mr D complains the Council failed to provide him with social care and housing support. The Council failed to properly assess Mr D’s needs and offer support to help him meet his housing need. To remedy the complaint the Council has agreed to make Mr D a symbolic payment, make procedural improvements and provide staff training.

  • RochCare (UK) Ltd (23 013 533)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: The care provider cannot evidence it provided the care which Mr A had arranged for ten days for Mrs X. Mrs X was disorientated and suffering from an infection when Mr A returned from holiday. There was also a delay in investigating and responding to his complaint. The care provider has agreed to waive the fees in recognition of the poor standard of care to Mrs X and the anxiety caused to Mr A in consequence.

  • Cornwall Council (23 013 768)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: We have found fault with the Council for not delivering suitable alternative educational provision for Mr X’s son after he was excluded from school. He missed a term of education that affected his learning and behaviour. The Council has agreed to remedy this injustice.

  • Central Bedfordshire Council (23 014 112)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: The Council investigated the complainants’ concern that it delayed in issuing their daughter’s Education, Health and Care Plan, after an annual review, Children Services did not attend this review and services were wrongly withdrawn. The Council accepted fault and provided redress to ensure the complainants’ daughter received services in accordance with her Plan. The Council also apologised and made a small symbolic payment. We are satisfied that this is sufficient remedy and therefore we are closing the complaint.

  • Shipston House Ltd (23 014 178)

    Statement Upheld Residential care 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: there is no evidence that the care provider attempted to improve the late Mrs X’s interaction with other residents or to increase social stimulation. The care provider also acknowledged to Mr A that the response time to the call bell was poor. On one occasion another resident was able to enter Mrs X’s room unnoticed while she was in bed and sat on her legs; Mrs X had to summon help herself. The care provider should review its practices in terms of residents’ activities and interactions; reconsider the way in which it protects residents within the home and offer a sum to Mr A and Mrs B in recognition of the distress caused by the shortcomings identified here.

  • London Borough of Bromley (23 014 861)

    Statement Upheld Special educational needs 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: The Council took too long to notify Mrs B that her son’s Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan would cease. It did not properly arrange his transition to adult social care in accordance with the law and guidance. The Council failed to maintain the EHC Plan while Mrs B’s appeal against the decision was outstanding. It took too long to assess his social care needs and to arrange care. The Council caused significant distress, uncertainty and frustration to Mrs B and her son. Mrs B’s son missed out on the educational provision set out in the EHC Plan. The Council has agreed to remedy the injustice it caused.

  • North Yorkshire Council (23 016 474)

    Statement Upheld Other 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains the Council did not carry out the agreed actions from its stage three review of her complaint and did not provide a remedy for the injustice caused. Miss X says this has caused further distress. The Ombudsman finds fault with the Council for failing to consider and provide a suitable remedy for the fault found during the statutory complaints process. The Council has agreed to pay Miss X a financial remedy and carry out service improvements.

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