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  • Priory Mews Healthcare Ltd (23 000 998)

    Report Upheld Charging 11-Jul-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the residential services provided to the complainant. We found Priory Mews Healthcare Limited did not notify Mr X promptly of the fees payable for his mother’s care once she became self-funding. These faults meant Mr X received a large and unexpected invoice from the care provider. As a result he moved his mother from this home to a less expensive home, as he would have done sooner had he known of the actual fees. As a result, Mr X suffered injustice and his mother suffered the distress of moving to another home.

  • Herefordshire Council (24 000 560)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Antisocial behaviour 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s actions in sending Ms X a letter advising her it had received a complaint about noise nuisance from dog barking. This is because we are unlikely to find evidence of fault by the Council sufficient to warrant an investigation.

  • Transport for London (24 000 594)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Traffic management 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint that Transport for London asked the complainant to provide evidence to show that his vehicle was compliant with the Ultra Low Emission Zone scheme. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault.

  • London Borough of Barnet (24 000 755)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Homelessness 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s assessment of Mrs X’s housing application. There is insufficient evidence of fault which would warrant an investigation.

  • Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (24 000 861)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Planning applications 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of a planning application for development at a property close to Mr X’s. This is because an investigation is unlikely to add to that already undertaken by the Council or lead to a different outcome.

  • Plymouth City Council (24 000 882)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Refuse and recycling 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint that the Council failed to send him a garden waste permit. This is because an investigation by the Ombudsman would not achieve any additional outcome for Mr X.

  • West Sussex County Council (24 000 941)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council not automatically applying rate uplifts to direct payments. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault.

  • Thurrock Council (24 001 016)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Allocations 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the way the Council assessed the complainant’s income for the purpose of determining eligibility for the housing register. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault by the Council.

  • Dorset Council (24 001 026)

    Statement Upheld Planning applications 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the way the Council considered the complainant’s planning application. We consider it reasonable to expect the complainant to have appealed to the Planning Inspectorate if she believes the decision to refuse her planning application is wrong.

  • City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (24 001 083)

    Statement Upheld Refuse and recycling 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about a fixed penalty notice. Further investigation would not lead to a different outcome.

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