Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Part 7
Accidents, First Aid and Work-Related Ill Health
First Aid risk assessment
The requirement for First Aid provision will be defined by risk assessment at each location.
Management of First Aid provision
The Operational Support Manager is responsible for:
- ensuring there are sufficient first aiders for each area;
- keeping first aider training up to date;
- keeping the first aid boxes adequately supplied;
- ensuring notices are displayed and information is current; and
- liaison with Building Workplace Service provider to ensure appropriate local arrangements.
Location and maintenance of first aid boxes
The first aid boxes are kept by first aiders and at clearly labelled points in each office.
First Aid Contact details
Names, internal telephone numbers and locations of first aiders are available on the Intranet.
Recording accidents and near misses
All accidents and near misses are to be recorded in the accident book.
The book is kept securely by the Operational Support Manager. If a serious accident occurs, the emergency services should be called.
Reporting accidents to Operational Support
In the case of an accident, excluding minor cuts and grazes, the first aider should also inform the Operational Support Coordinator or Manager
Reporting accidents and Injuries while travelling
Any injury sustained whilst travelling on LGSCO business Should be reported to the Operational Support Coordinator or a Line Manager.
Investigation of accidents and near misses
The Operational Support Manager is responsible for investigating accidents or near misses as appropriate to the nature of the incident. Following an accident which has resulted in an injury, or where there was potential for injury, the Operational Support Manager should interview the person concerned as soon as possible, inspect the site, speak to any witnesses and prepare a report to be presented to the Wellbeing and Health and Safety Committee or Executive Team. The Operational Support Manager will involve the Executive Team or manager in the investigation as appropriate.
Reporting accidents and first aid incidents
The is responsible for investigating as appropriate work-related causes of sickness absence with advice from the Occupational Health Provider.