Archive has 9 results
Surrey County Council (18 005 886)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 08-Feb-2019
Summary: Mr X complains the Council took 18 months between July 2015 and January 2017 to issue a final Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan for his disabled son, Y. This delayed his right of appeal against the EHC Plan and prevented Y from receiving the correct provision for 15 months longer than necessary. The Council also knew about missing occupational therapy (OT) provision for Y six months earlier than it claimed, forcing Mr X to chase the matter for longer than necessary. Finally, the Council sought to restrict Mr X’s communications when it had no good reason to do so. This caused him avoidable frustration, more so as the Council had previously failed to communicate with him properly in a complaint (reference 15 003 601) where we found it had denied Y free home-to-school transport for six months in 2015.
Report Upheld Special educational needs 23-Jan-2019
Summary: Miss X complains the Council has failed to provide her son with a suitable full time education since he was excluded from Primary School in October 2015. She says there were delays in the Council assessing her son’s educational needs and it sent him to a school some distance away and failed to provide help with transport costs.
Suffolk County Council (17 009 618)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 18-Jan-2019
Summary: Ms M complained the Council delayed in providing her daughter with suitable full-time education and it was unaware of what provision was available in its area and surrounding areas.
Norfolk County Council (17 007 085)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 31-Oct-2018
Summary: Miss X complains about the Council’s delay in issuing her son’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan and its failure to provide him with suitable education provision.
Norfolk County Council (18 003 453)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 31-Oct-2018
Summary: Mrs X complains about the Council’s failure to provide her son with suitable education provision and delay in issuing his Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan.
Surrey County Council (18 005 543)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 23-Oct-2018
Summary: Mr B complains the Council failed properly to provide the agreed remedy for his previous complaint to the Ombudsman.
Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council (17 019 805)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 13-Sep-2018
Summary: Mrs X complains the Council failed to provide all the support specified in her son’s Statement of Educational Need.
London Borough of Lewisham (16 012 609)
Report Upheld Special educational needs 04-Jul-2018
Summary: A mother and carer (Ms X) complains about the way the Council assessed her son’s (Mr Y's) eligibility for special educational provision, social care and transport when he transferred from school to. college. She also complains about the Council’s failure to offer a personal education budget or to mediate disagreements.
Report Upheld Special educational needs 19-Apr-2018
Summary: A mother (Mrs D) complains there were significant delays when the Council transferred her son, G's Statement of Special Educational Needs to an Education and Health Care Plan.