Assessment Manual
Part 7
6. Early Decisions – Invalid Complaints
6. Early Decisions – Invalid Complaints
Invalid complaints fall into three categories those:
- where a body is not in jurisdiction; we write to the PA/Rep to explain why we are closing the case. We neither notify the BinJ nor issue a Decision statement
- where the complaint has previously been considered and decided;
if a new case has already been set up and is picked up from the unallocated queue in Assessment, please close as invalid by letter, and complete the decision screen: decision reason invalid/forwarded complaint;
if we receive the contact as a task from Intake with a complaint form moved from a case Intake have voided, we must confirm the matter is not valid for us to consider again (there is no need to set up a new case); and
in both cases we write to the PA/Rep to explain why we are closing the case, but we neither notify the BinJ nor issue a Decision statement. IF rlevant we should include PDR information.
If the new contact is about non-compliance with a previous remedy at IU it must be referred to the Investigation casework manager unless they have already seen it. They will decide whether to open a new case at IU in line with the Investigation Manual.
- where a PA has not given written consent but could do so.
If we do not have written consent, we close complaints with an early decision:
‘Invalid: Consent - section 26A(1)(b)’ by letter. See the Casework Guidance note on Consent for more.