Financial Instructions

Part 4

4. Funding and Income


4.1 In the first week of every month, the Head of Finance must provide MHCLG with a forecast of the monthly cash drawdown using the data provided by the Budget holders via the Budget/Revised Budget setting process together with the latest financial information available (that is, the cumulative variance compared to Budget for the most recent Management Accounts).

4.2 The actual Grant-in-Aid claim must be submitted in the last week of the month and must be authorised by the AO.


4.3 All monies due to the organisation must be evidenced by invoices issued centrally by Policy and Comms/ the Finance Team so the organisation’s accounts correctly reflect monies due, and that appropriate follow-up action can be taken in the event of non payment.

4.4 If any employee provides a service that will require the recipient to pay money to the organisation they must give the Finance Team full details so that an official VAT invoice can be issued.

4.5 The LGSCO will only provide a trainer/s at seminars which are likely to be beneficial to the organisation. In these cases, no charges will be raised.

Training courses run by the LGSCO

4.6 The External Training & Relationship Lead (ETRL) is responsible for promoting training courses and inviting expressions of interest.

4.7 When a council/care provider applies to the LGSCO to book a course, the ETRL will send a booking form to the applicant with terms and conditions (including provision for a late cancellation fee), joining instructions etc. Prices quoted are ex VAT.

4.8 The ETRL will raise an invoice for the course and send the invoice/s to the relevant authorities. A copy will be sent to the Finance Team. Invoices are either to be paid direct to the Commission’s bank account, or by cheque, or online by credit card, using the cardnet facility. Cheques must be sent to the Finance Team.

4.9 The Finance Team will send the ETRL a weekly debtors list showing those authorities that have not paid. The Finance Team will request payments from those who have not paid and liaise with the ETRL to follow up non-payment.

Abandoning attempts to recover debts

4.10 Where all reasonable attempts have failed to achieve collection of monies due to the organisation or to secure payment of an invoice which has been issued, the Head of Finance will prepare a recommendation setting out the circumstances to the CEO, who has the authority to write off the expenditure in consultation with the relevant Budget holder.

4.11 The Head of Finance will report the loss to the next Audit and Risk Assurance Committee meeting.

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