Financial Instructions
Part 10
10. Assets and equipment
LGSCO tools, equipment and mobile devices
10.1 Employees will not be loaned tools, equipment or mobile devices for private use.
10.2 Mobile devices will be supplied to employees where there is an approved business need. The IT Manager will keep a record of all LGSCO mobile devices and the staff to whom they have been issued.
10.3 If loss or damage occurs to tools and equipment a statement of the circumstances must be reported to the Operational Support Manager. If the tools or equipment is not repaired or recovered its loss should be recorded and written off on the written authority of the Head of Finance.
10.4 If a mobile device is lost, stolen or damaged this must be reported to the IT Manager at the earliest opportunity so security protocols can be followed. If the mobile device is not recovered its loss should be recorded and written off on the written authority of the Head of Finance. Mobile devices will be returned to the IT Team when employment ceases.
10.5 Employees responsible for the loss or damage may be required to bear all or part of the cost of repair or replacement.
Disposal of stores and equipment
10.6 LGSCO equipment or stores which are obsolete, surplus to requirements or damaged may be written off on the written authority of the CEO. A copy of the authority will be sent to the Head of Finance.
10.7 Unless stores/equipment are considered to be valueless, they will be disposed of for the best consideration which can be obtained on the open market, other than if the return is likely to be less than one hundred pounds (£100), the CEO may offer the items for purchase by staff, who will be required to submit sealed bids for their acquisition. The highest such bid will be accepted. Cash received may be donated to a charity recommended by a staff group which leads on charitable fundraising, and will be accounted for to the Head of Finance, together with a note of the circumstances and a copy of the write off authority.