Financial Instructions

Part 14

14. Gifts and hospitality

14.1 Staff cannot accept gifts, hospitality or benefits of any kind from a third party which might be seen to compromise their personal judgment or integrity.


14.2 Any gift offered (whether accepted or not) which is not of a trivial nature should be notified to the Committee and Governance Clerk. A gift will be deemed trivial if by its nature or branding it has no material commercial value i.e. it has no commercial value to a third party. For example receipts of diaries, pens, and other promotional items are not regarded as gifts and will not be recorded in the register.

14.3 Any gifts falling outside the definition of trivial should not be accepted. There may be occasions when to refuse a gift may cause offence. In these circumstances its receipt should be recorded in the Gifts and Hospitality register, (held by the Committee and Governance Clerk). The CEO will determine whether the gift will be kept, displayed or disposed of. The employee receiving the gift should, seeking advice from the CEO, write to the donor giving thanks and explaining the LGSCO’s policy.

14.4 The details of all gifts, whether accepted or declined, should be fully documented in the Gifts and Hospitality register.

14.5 The Accounting Officer will report gifts of an exceptional value in their Governance Statement. Gifts made during the year will be reported to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee annually, at their first meeting of the next Financial Year.


14.6 When hospitality is offered by a council, complainant, supplier or contractor, whether existing or potential, the offer should be refused, as acceptance may be perceived to influence or be construed as an attempt to influence the recipient of the hospitality.

14.7 All offers of hospitality will, therefore, normally be refused, whatever the circumstances, with an appropriate explanation of the LGSCO’s policy. If, exceptionally, there is a sound business reason for accepting an offer of hospitality the CEO will be consulted.

14.8 Staff can accept modest hospitality at business meetings. Similarly, modest refreshments may be accepted in the home of a complainant during a duty visit. Staff may claim for food and beverages consumed at business meetings provided the total claim does not exceed £25. The cost of alcohol should be excluded.

14.9 Hospitality received during the year will be reported to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee annually, at their first meeting of the next Financial Year.

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