London Borough of Ealing (22 002 098)

Category : Housing > Homelessness

Decision : Upheld

Decision date : 01 Jun 2023


Key to names used

  • Mr and Mrs X The complainants


Mr and Mrs X complained that the Council delayed in moving them and their children from unsuitable temporary accommodation. As a result, they lived in unsuitable accommodation for longer than necessary which Mr and Mrs X consider was detrimental to their health.


Fault found causing injustice and recommendations made.


The Council must consider the report and confirm within three months the action it has taken or proposes to take. The Council should consider the report at its full Council, Cabinet or other appropriately delegated committee of elected members and we will require evidence of this. (Local Government Act 1974, section 31(2), as amended)

To remedy the injustice to Mr and Mrs X the Council should:

  • send a written apology and make a payment of £3,400 to Mr and Mrs X to acknowledge they lived in unsuitable accommodation with disrepair for 17 months due to the Council’s delay in moving them to suitable temporary accommodation; and

  • review its record keeping procedures to develop a simple and efficient way to briefly record the actions taken to find suitable temporary accommodation for individual applicants.

The Council has accepted our recommendations.

Ombudsman satisfied by Council response: 5 February 2024

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