Child protection

Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich (24 001 294)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about safeguarding Miss X’s child. The complaint is late and there is no good reason to exercise discretion to consider it now.

  • Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (23 019 282)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 10-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about reports the Council prepared for court. The law prevents us investigating what happens during court proceedings.

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich (24 001 926)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 09-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint that the Council failed to safeguard the complainant when she was a child. This is because the issues happened too long ago and the complainant could have complained sooner.

  • Liverpool City Council (23 021 118)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 09-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about historical child protection matters. This is because the complaint is late and there are no good reasons to exercise discretion to consider the late complaint.

  • Derbyshire County Council (23 017 456)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 06-Jun-2024

    Summary: The Council was at fault for causing a short delay to a child protection conference, and for not initially visiting Miss B’s children as often as it said it would. But, in the context of Miss B’s complaint about how the Council handled her children’s case, the areas of fault were limited. The Council took Miss B’s concerns seriously, fully considered the risk to her children, and followed the safeguarding process set out by the government. Nonetheless, it has agreed to take action to ensure its mistakes are addressed in future.

  • Surrey County Council (24 000 645)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 05-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s Child and Family assessment report. The law prevents us from considering the content of reports produced as part of court proceedings.

  • Leicestershire County Council (24 000 184)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 04-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council dealt with child protection matters. This is because we cannot add to the investigation carried out by the Council and an investigation would not lead to a different outcome.

  • Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (24 000 672)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 04-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s involvement in Mr X’s children’s case. There is insufficient evidence of fault in the Council’s actions, and we could not achieve the outcomes Mr X seeks.

  • Manchester City Council (24 000 975)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 04-Jun-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate some of Miss X’s complaint, including the Council’s conduct during court proceedings or social work reports made for court, because the law says we cannot investigate matters considered by court. We will not investigate Miss X’s complaints about the Council’s organisation of contact between her and her child because court proceedings are ongoing, and it is reasonable for Miss X to raise those concerns with the court.

  • Plymouth City Council (23 013 254)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained about how the Council dealt with safeguarding matters relating to his child and that social workers acted unreasonably. He also complained about matters related to contact and court proceedings. We cannot consider matters related to the courts. However, we found the Council had failed to properly record and take account of important information relating to safeguarding and the Council should have agreed to escalate Mr X’s complaint when he requested this. We recommended and apology and modest payment.

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