Priory Mews Healthcare Ltd (23 000 998, report)

Category : Adult care services > Charging

Decision : Upheld

Decision date : 11 Jul 2024



We investigated a complaint about the residential services provided to the complainant. We found Priory Mews Healthcare Limited did not notify Mr X promptly of the fees payable for his mother’s care once she became self-funding. These faults meant Mr X received a large and unexpected invoice from the care provider. As a result he moved his mother from this home to a less expensive home, as he would have done sooner had he known of the actual fees. As a result, Mr X suffered injustice and his mother suffered the distress of moving to another home.


We recommended Priory Mews Healthcare Limited:

  • apologise for the distress caused

  • reimburse Mr X the difference between the fees incurred from 04 January to 13 May 2023 at Priory Mews and the fees at his mother’s new home.

Priory Mews Healthcare Limited’s response

Priory Mews Healthcare Limited says it has not done what we asked it to because:

  • it says the family was aware of the pricing from the outset.

Our findings

We are not satisfied with what Priory Mews Healthcare Limited has done. The evidence we have seen shows it did not notify Mr X of the fees until 4 months after his mother began to fund her own care. Because it has not put right the injustice for the complainant Mr X has paid more for his mother’s care than he would have chosen to do.


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