Archive has 47 results
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (19 018 196)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman has no legal power to investigate Miss X’s complaint that a Council social worker lied in court documents, provided false information and withheld information about both a court matter and police investigation. This is because the complaint relates to legal proceedings and a police investigation. Such matters are outside the Ombudsman’s legal remit.
Central Bedfordshire Council (19 019 837)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about inappropriate comments in internal Council emails. It is unlikely we could achieve significantly more than the Council has already given in reply to his complaint.
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (19 019 631)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mr X’s complaint about information the Council has provided to the court in ongoing court proceedings because it lies outside his jurisdiction. The law prevents the Ombudsman from investigating matters that have been, or are being, considered in court.
Staffordshire County Council (19 018 605)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 30-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mrs X’s complaint that she and her family have been victimised and discriminated against by the Council’s children’s services team. This is because Mrs X has started court action about the matter and the Court is considering the wider child care arrangements.
Kent County Council (19 019 056)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 28-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Miss B’s complaint that the Council was at fault in disclosing her identity to a third party. This is because the Information Commissioner is better placed than the Ombudsman to consider the matter.
City of York Council (19 019 915)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 27-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Ms B’s complaint about a referral that was made by her daughter’s school to the Council. This is because the Information Commissioner’s Office is the body better placed to consider her complaints.
Durham County Council (19 020 282)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 27-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mr X’s complaint that the Council’s actions led to his children being placed for adoption. We cannot investigate court decisions. Mr X’s complaint about breaches of data protection can go to the Information Commissioner. There is insufficient injustice for the Ombudsman to investigate.
London Borough of Hounslow (19 016 199)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 26-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the conduct of a social worker and the Council’s responses to his complaint. This is because Mr X’s complaint is late, the injustice is not significant enough, and it is unlikely we could now carry out a meaningful investigation. We will not investigate a council’s complaint handling if we are not going to investigate the matter which led to the original complaint.
London Borough of Barnet (18 019 551)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 25-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Ms J’s complaint because the law does not let us investigate a complaint about a report submitted to court.
Middlesbrough Borough Council (19 011 462)
Statement Not upheld Other 24-Mar-2020
Summary: Mr X complained the Council did not comply with a court order about contact with his son, care planning meetings and expert recommendations. I have discontinued my investigation because the matter is due to go back before the Court. Mr X’s complaint can be re-opened if he remains unhappy once the outcome is known.