Archive has 322 results
West Sussex County Council (18 014 449)
Statement Not upheld Assessment and care plan 31-Mar-2020
Summary: the Ombudsman’s decision is that there is no evidence of fault by the Council regarding its consideration that Mrs A had deprived herself of assets that could pay for her care in a care home.
Bedford Borough Council (19 010 435)
Statement Not upheld Disabled facilities grants 31-Mar-2020
Summary: the Council was not at fault when it decided not to pay a Disabled Facilities Grant because builders had completed the eligible works before Mrs X returned the grant application form.
Warwickshire County Council (19 012 874)
Statement Upheld Charging 31-Mar-2020
Summary: the Council has written off a care home charge for Mr X’s mother’s short stay in a residential care home. This is a satisfactory remedy and the Ombudsman has therefore ended the investigation of Mr X’s complaint.
Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited (19 014 520)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 31-Mar-2020
Summary: Mr X complains that Barchester Healthcare failed to take responsibility for security lapses at one of its care homes. No further action is needed as the issue is not one the Ombudsman can deal with.
London Borough of Lewisham (19 016 981)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Domiciliary care 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman does not propose to investigate this complaint about the provision of care to the complainant’s father. This is because the complaint is made late and there are no good reasons to investigate it now.
City of York Council (19 019 280)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Charging 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint that the Council failed to properly consider the law and guidance when deciding Mrs X deliberately deprived herself of capital to avoid care charges. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault by the Council to warrant an investigation.
Ideal Carehomes (Number One) Limited (19 007 619)
Statement Upheld Residential care 31-Mar-2020
Summary: Mrs X complained the Care Provider gave her grandmother, Mrs G, insufficient notice to leave Hanley House Residential Care Home and then refused to let her collect her personal possessions. Mrs X said this caused distress and inconvenience to Mrs G and other family members. The Care Provider was at fault when it failed to provide written confirmation it had given Mrs G notice and failed to give her sufficient notice. It has agreed to apologise and make a payment to Mrs D to acknowledge the distress and anxiety this caused.
Essex County Council (19 020 446)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Transport 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s decision that the complainant must provide a recent benefit decision letter before it will issue a Blue Badge. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault by the Council.
Statement Not upheld Domiciliary care 30-Mar-2020
Summary: There was no evidence of fault in the way the agency’s carer provided care to Mr and Mrs D while she lived with them.
Royal Borough of Greenwich (19 018 045)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Safeguarding 30-Mar-2020
Summary: Mrs X complained about the Council-funded care her brother received from a domiciliary care agency, and the Council’s subsequent delay in investigating the neglect he suffered. We will not consider this late complaint. While the Council’s investigation was responsible for some of the time it took before Mrs X complained, it would have been reasonable for her to complain to the Ombudsman sooner and it is unlikely we could now carry out a fair investigation.