Archive has 3 results
Warwickshire County Council (15 020 256 )
Report Upheld Assessment and care plan 29-Mar-2017
Summary: A man complains that the county council and borough council did not support him to move out of residential care to live independently in the community with adequate support.
Wokingham Borough Council (15 017 863)
Report Upheld Assessment and care plan 08-Feb-2017
Summary: A Solicitor complains the Council has failed to assess Ms K’s daughter’s finances properly by failing to disregard the daughter’s personal injury payment.
St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council (14 009 949 )
Report Upheld Assessment and care plan 27-Jun-2016
Summary: A solicitor complains on behalf of a man about the council's refusal to do a financial assessment for social care services because the man should use a personal injury settlement to fund his care privately. The solicitor says the council failed to complete a care plan setting out services or funding to meet the man's eligible social care needs. It also refused to complete a financial assessment to decide the contribution he had to pay towards his care.