Assessment and care plan

Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council (24 000 483)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 10-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about Mrs B’s placement, or the way Mrs D has been treated by staff. This is because we cannot achieve the outcome Mrs D wants.

  • Staffordshire County Council (23 012 191)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 10-Jun-2024

    Summary: the Council failed to act promptly to ensure Mrs X’s son D received an early referral for NHS funding of his needs. As a result there was a delay of nine months between the review meeting which agreed his needs and the funding being made available, while Mrs X continued to pay for his support. The Council will explain how it has reviewed its processes since then, apologise to Mrs X and offer a sum which recognises the distress caused to her and to D over that time.

  • London Borough of Islington (22 016 562)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 10-Jun-2024

    Summary: Ms X complained the Council failed to properly assess her father, Mr Z’s, care needs. She also complained the Council did not provide sufficient care in line with Mr Z’s wishes and the Equality Act since January 2023. Ms X complained the Council was dishonest about its assessment of Mr Z’s needs and failed to communicate with her properly about the decisions made about her father’s care. There was some fault in how the Council initially assessed Mr Z’s needs which caused Ms X frustration and uncertainty. The Council will apologise to Ms X and pay her a symbolic amount of £300 to recognise the injustice caused to her.

  • Wiltshire Council (24 000 828)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 09-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about delay completing an adult social care assessment for deprivation of liberty. This is because we could not say the outcome would be different despite that delay.

  • Surrey County Council (23 013 193)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 06-Jun-2024

    Summary: The Council delayed in responding to Mrs X’s request for an increase in care hours, unfairly recouped direct payment monies, and failed to investigate issues relating to the amount and timing of direct payments.

  • Leicester City Council (23 015 902)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Miss Y’s complaints. She has already appealed the decision to detain her under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act to the First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health). Also, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman is better placed to consider her complaints about transfer between hospitals and care and treatment under Section 3.

  • Redcar & Cleveland Council (24 000 041)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about Council delay completing mental capacity assessments because even if there was Council fault, it did not lead to a significant personal injustice that would justify us investigating.

  • Derby City Council (24 003 824)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Miss Y’s complaints. She has already appealed the decision to detain her under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act to the First Tier Tribunal (Mental Health). Also, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman is better placed to consider her complaints about transfer between hospitals and care and treatment under Section 3.

  • London Borough of Islington (23 006 479)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: Mr X is a vulnerable young person living in a shared lives placement. Mr Z complained, on Mr X’s behalf, the Council failed to properly support Mr X and prioritise his care needs. We have found fault by the Council in: failing to properly consider whether Mr X should have an Education Health and Care needs assessment and the additional support he might need; its delays in responding to a request for respite care; and making a health referral and a benefits claim, causing injustice. The Council has agreed to remedy this by apologising to Mr X and Mrs Z, making payments to reflect the upset caused and reporting on the impact of the delay with the benefits claim.

  • Dorset Council (23 012 384)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 02-Jun-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complains the Council has not dealt properly with adult social care for her and her son Mr Y. The Council is at fault because it has been unable to provide the care Mr Y needs. Mrs X and Mr Y suffered missed care provision and avoidable distress. The Council should pay Mrs X and Mr Y £1,000 each.

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