There are 4 results
Case Ref: 23 018 355 Category: Environment and regulation Sub Category: Noise
- The Council will remind environmental health officers to follow the Council’s nuisance investigation procedure on site visits, and of the importance of contemporaneous note taking, and giving complainants full and clear reasons for their decisions.
Case Ref: 22 003 438 Category: Housing Sub Category: Allocations
- The Council will carry out a review of the IT system used by its housing allocations service to ensure there are no glitches causing delays in the consideration of medical evidence provided by applicants.
Case Ref: 21 006 954 Category: Planning Sub Category: Other
- b)remind its staff to ensure reasonable complaints and concerns are responded to as set out in the Council’s complaints policy.
Case Ref: 21 006 599 Category: Planning Sub Category: Enforcement
- c)remind its staff to respond to enforcement reports as set out in its Policy, and when it agrees to provide a response; d)remind its enforcement officers to provide realistic estimated timescales of the next steps in its enforcement process, when a request is made to it, as set out in its Policy; e)review the current enforcement cases within the Area and compare these with what have been reported to it. Thereafter, provide Mr B with the timescales for its next steps in the enforcement process. This may any no action, or further action as set out in the Council’s Policy.