Corby Borough Council
Annual statistics ?Find out more about annual statistics
Complaints upheld
67% Complaints upheld by Corby Borough Council
67% of complaints we investigated were upheld.
This compares to an average of 51% in similar authorities.
2 upheld decisions
View upheld decisionsStatistics are based on a total of 3 investigations for the period between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
Compliance with Ombudsman recommendations
No recommendations were due for compliance in this period
Satisfactory remedies provided by the Council
0% Complaints with satisfactory remedy provided by Corby Borough Council
In 0% of upheld cases we found the Council had provided a satisfactory remedy before the complaint reached the Ombudsman.
This compares to an average of 20% in similar authorities.
0 satisfactory remedy decisions
Statistics are based on a total of 2 upheld decisions for the period between 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
View all satisfactory remedy decisions
Annual letters
We write to councils each year to give a summary of the complaint statistics we record about them,
and their performance in responding to our investigations.
Public reports ?Find out more about public reports
In the last nine years, the Ombudsman has published the following public interest reports against Corby Borough Council
No public reports published
Service improvements ?Find out more about service improvements
Since April 2018, the Council has agreed to make the following improvements to its services following an Ombudsman investigation. We list up to 10 cases below – click ‘view all’ if there are more.
Case reference: 20 013 903
Category: Benefits and tax
Sub Category: COVID-19
- The Council did not offer the complainant the opportunity to ask for a review or appeal of its decision and it dealt with the complaint poorly. The Council will remind staff of the need to offer service users a right of review to its decisions and it will provide relevant staff with training on effective complaint handling.
Case reference: 18 012 217
Category: Benefits and tax
Sub Category: Council tax
- The Council will develop a (Council wide) policy on how to check with service users whether they need any reasonable adjustments, because of a disability, to allow access to a service. It is for the Council to decide the extent of that policy. But it should ensure it complies with the requirements of the Equality Act and its Code of Practice; for example that the duty is anticipatory. The Policy should outline when officers should ask about adjustments and when the Council does agree an adjustment, it needs to keep a record of what has been agreed, or why it has not agreed to a request.
Last updated: 4 April 2015