
Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • West Sussex County Council (24 000 941)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 11-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council not automatically applying rate uplifts to direct payments. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault.

  • London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (24 001 043)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 10-Jun-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate this complaint about the Council’s decision to exclude her from an adult education course. This is because we have no jurisdiction to consider actions relating to conduct, management or discipline in schools or education establishments.

  • East Sussex County Council (24 000 422)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 09-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about the Council allowing her mother’s life insurance payments to lapse. Further investigation would not lad to a different outcome and any financial responsibility owed by the Council is best decided by the Courts.

  • Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (23 011 950)

    Statement Upheld Other 05-Jun-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about delays and poor communication from the Council when repairing and replacing equipment it provided to meet her care and support needs. There was fault in how the Council’s community equipment service took too long to replace and repair community equipment it had provided to Miss X. It also failed to properly communicate with Miss X or to take a proactive approach when the delays became prolonged. The Council agreed to pay Miss X the financial remedy is had already offered and apologise further for the extra injustice we have found. It also agreed to review its equipment service’s and supplier’s procedures.

  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council (23 013 328)

    Statement Not upheld Other 05-Jun-2024

    Summary: Ms C complains a day centre inappropriately cancelled her son’s day care provision. Ms C funded the day centre through a direct payment. The Council is therefore not responsible for the actions of the day centre. The Council acted properly when it was aware there were issues at the day centre.

  • Cumberland Council (23 015 362)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 04-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint that she was illegally detained by the Police in 2017. We have no jurisdiction to investigate the actions of the Police. We will also not investigate Ms X’s complaint that a Council officer is stalking her. This is a criminal matter and as such, falls outside our jurisdiction.

  • Cornwall Council (23 011 009)

    Statement Not upheld Other 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: We investigated a complaint about the section 117 aftercare provided to Ms A by the Council, the Trust and the ICB after she was detained under section 3 of the Mental Health Act 1983. We found no fault by any of the organisations.

  • Buckinghamshire Council (24 002 475)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 30-May-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate Mr X’s complaint about information provided by the Council to a third party used in court. This is because the matter is subject to legal proceedings. And the accuracy of the information is a matter better addressed by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

  • Milton Keynes Council (23 015 685)

    Statement Upheld Other 27-May-2024

    Summary: Mr X complains the Council decided without his involvement that it would place his disabled son, P, in residential care. However, that did not happen, and P is now settled in a day service placement of his parents’ choice, funded through the NHS. There is no evidence that P or his family suffered any injustice as a result of this or Mr X’s other concern, that he was treated differently because he had complained, and so the investigation is now closed.

  • Nottinghamshire County Council (24 000 344)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 27-May-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the way the Council treated Mr B. This is because further investigation by us could not add to the Council’s response or make a different finding.

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