Archive has 24 results
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (22 015 012b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 29-Mar-2023
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about Lancashire County Council and Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board’s delay providing a joint care package to meet his son’s and the family’s needs. The Council has provided an appropriate remedy, which Mr X has accepted. It is unlikely an Ombudsmen investigation would achieve more.
NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (22 015 012a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 29-Mar-2023
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about Lancashire County Council and Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board’s delay providing a joint care package to meet his son’s and the family’s needs. The Council has provided an appropriate remedy, which Mr X has accepted. It is unlikely an Ombudsmen investigation would achieve more.
Godden Lodge Care Home (22 003 284b)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 14-Mar-2023
Summary: The late Mrs M’s family complained to us about her care by Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust and Godden Lodge Care Home. We have upheld parts of the complaint relating to record keeping, admission to the Home, nutrition, risk management and communication. We have not upheld other parts of the complaint. The Council, Home and Trust have accepted our recommendations so we have completed our investigation.
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (22 010 734b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 13-Jan-2023
Summary: We cannot investigate Mrs X’s complaint about her daughter’s Education, Health and Care plan. Mrs X has already appealed to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.
Cedric House EMI Residential Care Home (22 012 444a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 09-Jan-2023
Summary: We decided not to investigate this complaint about unfair visiting restrictions in a care home. This is because an investigation is unlikely to find the care home’s actions caused a significant injustice.
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust (FT) (22 003 453b)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 15-Dec-2022
Summary: We found fault by a Council and ICB as they failed to provide Mrs R with care and support to meet her assessed needs. The Council and ICB will apologise to Mrs R’s son, Mr P, and pay him a financial remedy in recognition of the distress this caused him. We found no fault by the Trust with regards to the care provided to Mrs R by the District Nursing service.
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust (21 018 340a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 02-Dec-2022
Summary: We uphold Mr X’s complaint about the care and treatment provided to his mother, Mrs Z. We found fault with the way the Trust and the Council handled Mrs Z’s discharge from hospital and how staff communicated with her during her physiotherapy assessments. We also found fault with the Council’s record keeping, communication and Mrs Z’s continence care. As a result, Mrs Z experienced unnecessary discomfort which impacted on her dignity and Mr X was caused stress and worry. The Trust and Council will apologise to Mr X and Mrs Z and pay a total of £450. They will also take action to prevent similar problems occurring in the future.
Lincolnshire Community Health Services (21 013 224a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 25-Nov-2022
Summary: Mrs B complained about the health and social care support provided by the Council and the NHS Trust after she removed her late husband, Mr B, from a respite placement and took him home. She also complained about the way the former Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG and now Integrated Care Board) considered whether
Mr B was eligible for healthcare funding. She said the events had adverse impact on her and her husband. We found the Council and the Trust failed to work together to complete a holistic assessment and this led to a disjointed approach when providing health and social care support. As a result, it is likely Mrs B experienced increased carers strain and avoidable worry and distress. There was fault in the way the CCG considered Mr B’s eligibility for healthcare funding, but it acted to put things right. The Council and the Trust have agreed to our recommendations and will apologise to Mrs B for the lack of joint working, make an acknowledgement payment and improve. -
Sherrington House Nursing Home (22 000 565a)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 21-Nov-2022
Summary: Mr G complained about the care and support provided to his late brother, Mr T, by the Council and the Home when dealing with his breathing and providing social stimulation. He also complained about the way the Integrated Care Board (the former clinical commissioning group) considered Mr T’s eligibility for healthcare funding. We did not find fault in the care and support arrangements provided by the Council and the Home. We found no evidence of fault in the way the former clinical commissioning group considered Mr T’s eligibility for healthcare funding.
Woking and Sam Beare Hospice and Wellbeing Care (21 011 711c)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 28-Sep-2022
Summary: We have found fault with St Augustine’s Care Home’s (owned by The Sisters Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) record keeping, communication around Mrs P’s end of life care, its visiting arrangements, and its complaint handling. CSH Surrey also missed the opportunity to assess Mrs P for fast-track NHS continuing healthcare. Those faults caused Mrs P’s daughters, Mrs M and Ms N, a personal injustice. The Home and CSH Surrey should apologise and carry out improvements to remedy their injustice.