Archive has 48 results
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (20 004 266a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 30-Mar-2022
Summary: We found fault with the care and treatment provided to Mr B over the period June 2018 to May 2019. These faults caused avoidable distress and frustration to Ms B. We recommended an apology, service improvements and financial recompense to address this injustice
East London NHS Foundation Trust (21 004 603a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 30-Mar-2022
Summary: Mrs B complained the Council and the CCG failed to pay her sister’s, Miss C’s, charges for accommodation for a period when she was entitled to free aftercare under the Mental Health Act 1983 since 2017. She also complained that Miss C remained in an unsuitable placement with unmet needs for almost two years. Mrs B said the Trust failed to provide her sister with enough mental health support and when acting on behalf of the Council and the CCG. She said the alleged faults had adverse impact on her sister’s wellbeing and caused Mrs B avoidable distress. We found fault by the Council and the CCG in the way they stopped paying for accommodation which should have been provided without charge. This led to Mrs B having to support her sister with financial matters and this could have been avoided. Delays by the Trust led to Miss C remaining in an unsuitable placement for longer than she should have reasonably expected without enough mental health support in place. This is likely to have impacted on her wellbeing. To remedy the injustice the authorities agreed to our recommendations and will apologise to Miss C and Mrs B in writing and make acknowledgement payments. They will review their policies and procedures to ensure they are in line with relevant law and good practice. They will also ensure their staff act in accordance with legislation and established good practice.
Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (21 004 603b)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 30-Mar-2022
Summary: Mrs B complained the Council and the CCG failed to pay her sister’s, Miss C’s, charges for accommodation for a period when she was entitled to free aftercare under the Mental Health Act 1983 since 2017. She also complained that Miss C remained in an unsuitable placement with unmet needs for almost two years. Mrs B said the Trust failed to provide her sister with enough mental health support and when acting on behalf of the Council and the CCG. She said the alleged faults had adverse impact on her sister’s wellbeing and caused Mrs B avoidable distress. We found fault by the Council and the CCG in the way they stopped paying for accommodation which should have been provided without charge. This led to Mrs B having to support her sister with financial matters and this could have been avoided. Delays by the Trust led to Miss C remaining in an unsuitable placement for longer than she should have reasonably expected without enough mental health support in place. This is likely to have impacted on her wellbeing. To remedy the injustice the authorities agreed to our recommendations and will apologise to Miss C and Mrs B in writing and make acknowledgement payments. They will review their policies and procedures to ensure they are in line with relevant law and good practice. They will also ensure their staff act in accordance with legislation and established good practice.
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (21 007 640a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 29-Mar-2022
Summary: Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust clearly communicated Mr P’s dementia diagnosis but did not develop a care and support plan for him. We also consider Durham County Council’s poor communication with Mr P’s wife, Mrs P, about his care and support leaves her uncertain if Mr P would have received different care and support before he died.
NHS East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (21 007 637a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 28-Mar-2022
Summary: Mrs B complained about the care provided to her late husband, Mr B, by a care provider commissioned by the Council and the CCG to meet his aftercare needs. We found the care provider failed to properly record Mrs B’s late husband’s needs around eating and food consistency. As a result, Mrs B is left with uncertainty about whether the care provider met his needs in this area. We also found the care provider failed at times to communicate with Mrs B about changes in her husband’s health despite her being his attorney for health and welfare. This is likely to have caused her avoidable distress. However, the care provider acted to improve when it dealt with Mrs B’s complaint. The Council and the CCG have agreed to our recommendations and will apologise to Mrs B and pay her £250 each.
NHS East London NHS Foundation Trust (21 013 253a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 28-Mar-2022
Summary: Ms B complains on behalf of her mother, Ms A, about her care and treatment. We will not investigate the complaint as we are not satisfied Ms A has fully consented to Ms B complaining to us on her behalf. We do not therefore consider Ms B suitable to bring the complaint to us.
North East London Clinical Commission Group (21 013 253b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 28-Mar-2022
Summary: Ms B complains on behalf of her mother, Ms A, about her care and treatment. We will not investigate the complaint as we are not satisfied Ms A has fully consented to Ms B complaining to us on her behalf. We do not therefore consider Ms B suitable to bring the complaint to us.
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (20 007 149a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 28-Mar-2022
Summary: The Ombudsmen have decided not to investigate Mrs A’s complaint about her mother’s care and support between 2003 and 2018. There is insufficient evidence of serious or continuing injustice and given the time that has passed, investigation is unlikely to achieve more. The Ombudsmen will not investigate more recent complaints because these have not yet been through the complaints procedures with the relevant organisations.
Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (20 007 149b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 28-Mar-2022
Summary: The Ombudsmen have decided not to investigate Mrs A’s complaint about her mother’s care and support between 2003 and 2018. There is insufficient evidence of serious or continuing injustice and given the time that has passed, investigation is unlikely to achieve more. The Ombudsmen will not investigate more recent complaints because these have not yet been through the complaints procedures with the relevant organisations.
Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (21 000 348a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 25-Mar-2022
Summary: Dr B complained ESC Council and the NHS Trust failed to properly safeguard her when it undertook an investigation into allegations of physical assault when she lived in a care home jointly funded by the CCG and BHC Council. She also complained about the home’s investigation and its decision to serve notice to end the placement. We found fault in the safeguarding protection plan put in place by ESC Council and as a result Dr B experienced avoidable distress. We also found fault in the way the jointly funded home completed its investigation, and this is likely to have meant Dr B missed an opportunity to have her views and outcomes properly recorded. The Councils and the CCG agreed to our recommendations and will arrange for Dr B to receive a written apology for the injustice caused. ESC Council will also remind its officers of the importance of updating safeguarding documentation.