Archive has 13 results
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 01-Mar-2022
Summary: We found no fault by the Council and Bornel Care with regards to the care they provided to Mr C, a young man with complex needs.
Black Country and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (20 007 956a)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 17-Feb-2022
Summary: Miss X complained about problems with specialist equipment provided by the Council and NHS Clinical Commissioning Group. We have not upheld the complaint. We have now completed our investigation.
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (20 014 052b)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 07-Feb-2022
Summary: Mr B and Mr C complain about the care their late mother Mrs D received from a Council-funded care home, from district nurses and from a mental health outreach team. They also complain the Council delayed re-assessing her needs. We found the Home failed to properly manage Mrs D’s leg condition and her continence needs. The Home and Council delayed too long in arranging to re‑assess Mrs D’s care needs. Mrs D is likely to have suffered preventable harm and distress due to these faults. The Council has agreed to apologise to Mr B and Mr C for the distress they have suffered, and to work with the Home to make service improvements. We did not find fault in Mrs D’s care from the district nurses or mental health outreach team.
Sirona Care & Health C I C (21 007 680a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 13-Dec-2021
Summary: We will not investigate Mr C’s complaint that a specialist chair caused his wife, Mrs C, pressure sores. This is because an investigation would most likely not conclude the specialist chair solely caused the pressure sores.
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (20 007 614a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 16-Sep-2021
Summary: Miss B and Mrs C complain about the care their late grandmother Mrs P received in a council-funded care home and from district nurses. Failings in Mrs P’s care by the Home and district nurses led to her developing severe pressures ulcers in the last weeks of her life. The Council did not investigate key issues in the complaint. The organisations should apologise and make a payment to Miss B and Mrs C to acknowledge the distress they suffered. The Council should also ensure the Home makes service improvements.
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (20 007 614b)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 16-Sep-2021
Summary: Miss B and Mrs C complain about the care their late grandmother Mrs P received in a council-funded care home and from district nurses. Failings in Mrs P’s care by the Home and district nurses led to her developing severe pressures ulcers in the last weeks of her life. The Council did not investigate key issues in the complaint. The organisations should apologise and make a payment to Miss B and Mrs C to acknowledge the distress they suffered. The Council should also ensure the Home makes service improvements.
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (21 003 944a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 13-Sep-2021
Summary: We will not investigate Miss V’s complaint about London Borough of Lambeth’s safeguarding investigation. We are unlikely to find fault with the Council’s actions.
Orchid Care Home (20 011 171b)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 18-Aug-2021
Summary: Mrs B complained about information an NHS Trust provided to the Council’s commissioned care home provider when her late father was discharged from hospital in December 2019. She complains a Surgery prescribed antibiotics but failed to send the prescription to the pharmacy. She also said the Home delayed in following up on the medication her father needed, and this contributed to his untimely death. We found the Trust at fault for poor record keeping when it dealt with the discharge, but it improved. Faults in the way the Surgery made an electronic request for medication and the Home’s failure to take follow up action caused delay in the medication being received. The Surgery and the Home also missed an opportunity to report the incident to the Council so it could consider its safeguarding procedures. The authorities have agreed to our recommendations and the Council will monitor the Home to ensure it improves the way it records discharge information and it will provide safeguarding training if necessary. The Surgery will remind its staff of the importance of reporting safeguarding concerns to the Council when dealing with incidents relating to patient safety. The Home and the Surgery will apologise to Mrs B for the missed opportunity which contributed to doubt she has about the events which occurred.
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (20 007 240a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 05-Aug-2021
Summary: Meadowfield House Home for Older People and Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust jointly contributed to Mrs Y’s worsening pressure sore. That caused her pain and distress. They have agreed to apologise, make service improvements and pay a financial remedy to Mrs Y and her husband.
Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (20 005 813a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 07-Jun-2021
Summary: The Ombudsmen will not investigate this complaint as it is unlikely an investigation would lead to findings of fault.