Archive has 17 results
Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (20 002 742a)
Statement Upheld Other 29-Mar-2021
Summary: We consider that Halton Borough Council did not clearly explain the section 47 enquiry process or explain why it changed its supervision arrangements for Mrs X’s daughter. That was distressing for Mrs X. Also, we consider the Council, Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Halton Clinical Commissioning Group’s poor complaint handling led to significant delays which caused Mrs X frustration and time and trouble.
NHS Halton Clinical Commissioning Group (20 002 742b)
Statement Upheld Other 29-Mar-2021
Summary: We consider that Halton Borough Council did not clearly explain the section 47 enquiry process or explain why it changed its supervision arrangements for Mrs X’s daughter. That was distressing for Mrs X. Also, we consider the Council, Warrington & Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Halton Clinical Commissioning Group’s poor complaint handling led to significant delays which caused Mrs X frustration and time and trouble.
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (19 017 100a)
Statement Not upheld Other 17-Feb-2021
Summary: The Ombudsmen find no fault in a Council and Trust’s decision not to implement the recommendations of an investigating officer. The complaints policy sets out that investigations will be subject to senior approval and the Trust provided reasons for setting the investigator’s findings aside.
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (20 005 451a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 15-Feb-2021
Summary: Mr B complained about historical allegations made about him in 2017 which the Council investigated under its safeguarding procedures. He said the Council did not tell him it had recorded the allegations in line with its safeguarding procedures. Mr B complains this meant that in 2019 the NHS Trust acted on the historical allegations to restrict visits to his daughter who is under the care of the Trust. Mr B’s complaint about the historical allegations is late and he could have complained to us earlier. We cannot achieve the outcome he wants. Mr B can complain to us about more recent matters once the Trust has sent him a final response.
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (20 008 224a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 22-Jan-2021
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint. We most likely cannot achieve the outcome Mr X would like or add anything to University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust’s investigation.
Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (19 019 904a)
Statement Not upheld Other 21-Dec-2020
Summary: Mrs B complained the Council failed to properly monitor two homecare agencies it commissioned to provide care to her mother, Mrs C. She also said the Trust’s mental health assessment was poor as it failed to record visible bruising to Mrs C’s face. The Council’s safeguarding investigation could not determine the cause of bruising found on Mrs C’s body after she was admitted to hospital in 2019. The Trust said its officer did not notice any bruising when the assessment was completed. The Council accepted there had been systemic failings, but it could not substantiate the allegation of neglect. We cannot say the Trust was at fault in the way it completed the mental health assessment. There was fault by the homecare agencies commissioned by the Council, but we did not find fault in the way the Council monitored the agencies or in the way it completed a safeguarding investigation. The Council agreed to our recommendation and will arrange for a written apology to be sent to Mrs B for the injustice caused by the systemic failings identified.
University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (20 003 774b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 06-Nov-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen will not investigate Mrs C’s complaints about four different councils. The complaint about Derby City Council is late and there are insufficient grounds to accept in now. The complaints about the other councils appear to have been raised with the Ombudsman without those councils having an opportunity to investigate.
University Hospital Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (20 002 964a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 28-Oct-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen have decided not to investigate a complaint about a Council and an NHS Trust’s decision not to share a surgery date with a patient’s family because it was late. We have seen no reason why the complainant could not have brought the complaint to the Ombudsmen sooner.
York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (20 003 827a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 07-Oct-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen does not consider it would likely find fault with how a child protection conference decided to support Mr X’s children. Also, the Ombudsmen could not achieve anything more by investigating Mr X’s complaints about York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust’s communication with him and North Yorkshire County Council.
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (19 010 763b)
Statement Not upheld Other 02-Oct-2020
Summary: Ms D complained about information she received about her mother’s discharge from hospital to residential care and associated charges. The Ombudsmen have upheld Ms D’s complaints about Manchester City Council. We have not upheld her complaints about Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. The Council has accepted our recommendations, so we have completed our investigation.