Archive has 43 results
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (20 001 063a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 29-Mar-2021
Summary: We consider East Sussex County Council, Change Grow Live, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Old School Surgery missed the opportunity to meet and discuss Ms E’s worsening alcohol misuse and mental health before she died. That has caused Ms E’s family uncertainty. They will not know if a joint meeting would have changed the outcome. The organisations should apologise for that fault.
Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust (20 006 958a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 16-Mar-2021
Summary: The Ombudsmen have decided not to investigate a complaint about mental health care being transferred from an NHS Trust to a Council without telling the family. This is because although there appears to have been fault, this has been acknowledged and the organisations have already taken action to put these right. We are therefore unlikely to achieve more by investigating.
Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Trust (20 002 158a)
Statement Not upheld Mental health services 23-Feb-2021
Summary: We consider an Approved Mental Health Professional and a Community Psychiatric Nurse appropriately supported Mr L before and after the decision to detain him under section 2 of the Mental Health Act.
West London Clinical Commissioning Group (19 010 659b)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 26-Jan-2021
Summary: We found fault with the care and support provided by the Council, Trust and CCG to Miss X, a vulnerable young woman with complex needs. We found this placed Miss X at significant risk in the community and caused her and her family avoidable distress. These organisations have agreed to apologise to Miss X and pay a financial remedy in recognition of the impact of this fault on her.
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (19 010 659a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 26-Jan-2021
Summary: We found fault with the care and support provided by the Council, Trust and CCG to Miss X, a vulnerable young woman with complex needs. We found this placed Miss X at significant risk in the community and caused her and her family avoidable distress. These organisations have agreed to apologise to Miss X and pay a financial remedy in recognition of the impact of this fault on her.
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (19 019 240a)
Statement Not upheld Mental health services 15-Jan-2021
Summary: Mr P complained that the Council and Trust stopped his direct payment without telling him, and did not give him the information he needed about how direct payments worked. The Trust, on behalf of the Council, apologised and paid Mr P a financial remedy. They also made improvements to how direct payments are managed following Mr P’s complaint.
Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (19 008 717a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 13-Jan-2021
Summary: We found faults by a Council and an NHS Trust resulted in delays in providing support for an individual who had recently been diagnosed with Autism. The organisations have already accepted some faults and taken action to improve the services provided to those diagnosed with Autism. However, the injustice to the complainant was not fully addressed. The organisations have agreed to apologise and pay the complainant £500 to recognise the distress caused by the faults.
Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (20 002 580a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 04-Jan-2021
Summary: Mr D complained about his adult son’s access to mental health aftercare which should be arranged and provided by the Council and the CCG. He also complained about an error in an NHS Trust’s medical records which was preventing his son receiving the services he was entitled to. We decided not to investigate Mr D’s complaint against the Council and the CCG as the issues have since been resolved. Mr D’s complaint against the NHS Trust can be considered separately by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
Gloucester Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust (20 002 580b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 04-Jan-2021
Summary: Mr D complained about his adult son’s access to mental health aftercare which should be arranged and provided by the Council and the CCG. He also complained about an error in an NHS Trust’s medical records which was preventing his son receiving the services he was entitled to. We decided not to investigate Mr D’s complaint against the Council and the CCG as the issues have since been resolved. Mr D’s complaint against the NHS Trust can be considered separately by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust (20 004 872a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Mental health services 15-Dec-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen will not investigate a complaint about a Council and an NHS Trust’s decision not to complete a Mental Health Act assessment sooner. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault and injustice.