Archive has 12 results
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (19 019 435a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 17-Mar-2021
Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint. We most likely would not find fault with how Durham County Council responded to her safeguarding concerns. Also, we are unlikely to find fault with how her integrated care team supported her in response to those concerns.
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (19 015 370a)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 08-Mar-2021
Summary: The Ombudsmen find there was an extensive avoidable delay in the Council assessing two young adults’ needs and producing a support plan for their care at home. This situation caused their mother significant avoidable stress which is an injustice. The Council has agreed to apologise, make a payment to recognise the injustice and to take steps to learn from the case and prevent recurrences.
NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (19 015 370b)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 08-Mar-2021
Summary: The Ombudsmen find there was an extensive avoidable delay in the Council assessing two young adults’ needs and producing a support plan for their care at home. This situation caused their mother significant avoidable stress which is an injustice. The Council has agreed to apologise, make a payment to recognise the injustice and to take steps to learn from the case and prevent recurrences.
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (19 007 535a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 23-Feb-2021
Summary: The complainant, Mrs C, says the Council and the Trust failed to provide her late father, Mr J, with sufficient occupational health equipment and physiotherapy to enable him to achieve his potential for rehabilitation. She also said the lack of care planning and therapy had an adverse impact on her mother’s caring role and left her with out-of-pocket expenses. We found the Trust was at fault in the way it decided to reprioritise a referral from a doctor, and this led to a delay in physiotherapy being provided. The Council took too long to provide equipment better suited to Mr J’s needs. The Council and the Trust have agreed to our recommendations and will apologise in writing to Mrs C’s mother, make an acknowledgement payment in recognition of the injustice caused and act to improve the response to referrals and record-keeping.
NHS Barnet Clinical Comissioning Group (19 021 064b)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 15-Feb-2021
Summary: Mr B complains about the care and support provided to his wife’s late cousin, Miss J, while resident in a home partly funded by the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group. Mr B says Miss J suffered continuous weight loss and was unlawfully strapped to a chair for long periods by the Home during the last six months of her life. Mr B also complained about the decision to discharge Miss J from hospital and a failure to readmit her to hospital. Mr B’s complaint to the Ombudsmen is late and it is unlikely we can add to the previous investigation completed by the Council or achieve the outcome he wants.
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (20 001 761a)
Statement Upheld Community hospital services 02-Feb-2021
Summary: The Ombudsmen find a Trust did not respond to a request for a change of physiotherapist appropriately. There is evidence that staff were trying to meet the patient’s needs but this fault has left uncertainty about whether a further review could and should have happened. The Trust has agreed to provide an apology and to take steps to learn from the complaint.
The Lansdowne Surgery (19 019 952a)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 01-Feb-2021
Summary: Mrs D complains about a lack of urgent interim care for her mother by a Council, Medvivo, and a GP Surgery. We found fault with the Council which caused distress to Mrs D and her family. The Council has agreed to compensate Mrs D for this.
Medvivo Group Ltd (19 019 952b)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 01-Feb-2021
Summary: Mrs D complains about a lack of urgent interim care for her mother by a Council, Medvivo, and a GP Surgery. We found fault with the Council which caused distress to Mrs D and her family. The Council has agreed to compensate Mrs D for this.
Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (20 005 187a)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Community hospital services 09-Dec-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen will not investigate Ms X’s complaints. Most of her complaints about Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group are out of time. The Ombudsmen are also unlikely to find fault with her other complaints about Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council and her son’s residential placement.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (18 014 139b)
Statement Not upheld Community hospital services 04-Dec-2020
Summary: The Care Provider did not explain the extra charge it made for a ‘lifestyle premium’ and we cannot be sure that the complainant, the late Mrs J, would have chosen to pay this. It has agreed to refund half the total amount to Mrs J’s estate and review the advice it gives about this. The Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Occupational Therapy service failed to complete an assessment and so it could not fund a specialist chair for Mrs J and she had to be nursed in bed. The CCG should refund the cost of the chair to the daughter and pay her £300 in recognition of her distress. It should also review how its OT provision is organised.