Archive has 14 results
Transport for London (19 018 171)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 27-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Ms B’s complaint about Transport for London’s decision to move a bus stop. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault to warrant investigation.
Birmingham City Council (19 018 518)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 20-Mar-2020
Summary: Ms B complains about the Council’s actions in repositioning a lamp post closer to her property. The Ombudsman will not investigate the complaint because it is unlikely an investigation will lead to a different outcome.
Bristol City Council (19 019 037)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 15-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about a fall he says was due to a lack of lighting. This is because we cannot decide liability in complaints involving personal injury.
Durham County Council (19 014 632)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 12-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint that the Council will not allow the complainant to install a memorial bench on a roundabout. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault by the Council.
London Borough of Merton (19 018 182)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 10-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about a personal injury claim. It is reasonable to expect Ms X to resort to court action for the compensation she seeks. The complaint is therefore outside the Ombudsman’s legal remit.
Sunderland City Council (19 017 592)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 09-Mar-2020
Summary: Mr B complains about the Council’s failure to properly light subways in his area. The Ombudsman will not investigate the complaint because it is unlikely an investigation will lead to a different outcome.
London Borough of Waltham Forest (19 012 235)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 27-Feb-2020
Summary: Ms X complained about the Council’s decision to site a bus stop close to her despite her objections that it would affect her privacy. The Ombudsman should not investigate this complaint. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault which would warrant an investigation.
Essex County Council (19 016 994)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 25-Feb-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint about a street light that was not working as it has now been repaired and it is unlikely we can achieve more than this.
Kent County Council (19 003 851)
Statement Not upheld Street furniture and lighting 25-Feb-2020
Summary: Mr B considers that there was fault in the way the County Council approved the installation of a bus shelter across the road from his home. He considers that the County Council failed to take account of residents’ concerns that this will attract anti-social behaviour and vandalism. The Ombudsman has found no fault in the way the County Council considered this matter, so we cannot question the merits of the decision to approve the bus shelter.
Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (19 016 065)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Street furniture and lighting 20-Feb-2020
Summary: Mr X complains that the Council has not a moved a street sign that he thinks is dangerous. He also complains that the Council has not started enforcement action against his neighbour, whose gate opens onto his property. The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint because it is unlikely we would find fault by the Council.