Highway repair and maintenance archive 2019-2020

Archive has 138 results

  • London Borough of Sutton (19 018 106)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 29-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about damage to his wife’s car from a pothole. This is because it is reasonable for Mr X to seek compensation through the courts.

  • Sheffield City Council (19 017 299)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 26-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about grass verges being destroyed by people parking on them. This is because Mr X is not caused a significant personal injustice from his complaint and the Ombudsman’s involvement is not therefore warranted.

  • Essex County Council (19 019 507)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 25-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the time the Council is taking to consider his claim for compensation after his car was damaged by potholes. It is reasonable to expect Mr X to resort to court action for the compensation he seeks. The complaint is therefore outside the Ombudsman’s legal remit.

  • Plymouth City Council (19 002 170)

    Statement Upheld Highway repair and maintenance 25-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs B complains the Council failed to respond properly or take effective action in response to reports about overgrown vegetation. Mrs B is registered blind and walks into brambles and has spent unnecessary time and trouble in trying to get the matter resolved. The Ombudsman has found some fault by the Council but does not consider this has caused a significant injustice requiring a remedy above the completed work, apology and explanation already provided by the Council.

  • Essex County Council (19 007 868)

    Statement Not upheld Highway repair and maintenance 25-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mr B complained the Council failed to act when he reported a drain in the highway causing vibration in his property. There is no fault in how the Council considered Mr B’s concerns.

  • Lancashire County Council (19 016 542)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 24-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council’s failure to repair a section of road. The Council denies responsibility for the road and if Mr X wishes to challenge its position it would be reasonable for him to serve notice on the Council and take the matter to court.

  • Devon County Council (19 016 559)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 24-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the state of the road outside his property. This is because it would be reasonable for Mr X to take the matter to court.

  • Lincolnshire County Council (19 006 318)

    Statement Not upheld Highway repair and maintenance 24-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mr X complains the Council’s responses to reports of highway disrepair were flawed. The Council could have better communicated its intentions to Mr X. However, there was no fault in the decisions the Council made and we found there was no fault by the Council.

  • City of York Council (19 017 252)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 20-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr R’s complaint about falling over on an uneven pavement. This is because it would be reasonable to expect Mr R to pursue his claim for compensation through the courts.

  • Suffolk County Council (19 017 638)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 20-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Ms B’s complaint about the Council’s decision not to install kerb edging along her frontage. There is insufficient evidence of fault by the Council so an investigation is not warranted.

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