Archive has 15 results
London Borough of Croydon (18 009 203)
Statement Not upheld Private housing 31-Mar-2020
Summary: There was no fault by the Council in the way it dealt with Miss B’s homeless application or her concerns about the condition of her accommodation.
Bristol City Council (19 018 982)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr B’s complaint about the Council’s response to matters concerning his eviction from privately rented accommodation in 2016. This is because the substantive matter happened too long ago to be investigated now.
Broxbourne Borough Council (19 018 672)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 31-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Ms Q’s complaint about the actions of the Council’s Environmental Health Team. This is because we are unlikely to find fault. And the Housing Ombudsman Service is better placed to consider the complaint.
London Borough of Ealing (19 019 400)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 25-Mar-2020
Summary: Mr X complained about the Council’s actions against him when it decided the eviction of his private tenant was illegal. We will not investigate this complaint, because it is unlikely we would find the Council at fault.
London Borough of Lambeth (19 009 978)
Statement Not upheld Private housing 20-Mar-2020
Summary: Mrs X complained about a tenant introduction service the Council offers to landlords. There was no fault by the Council in the way it introduced a tenant to Mrs X or in the advice it provided.
London Borough of Sutton (19 016 327)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 20-Mar-2020
Summary: The complaint is about the Council’s actions under its private housing health and safety powers. The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint because it would have been reasonable to use the right to appeal to a tribunal.
North Somerset Council (19 018 825)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 18-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mr B’s complaint about the Council’s decision to bring a prosecution against him. This is because we cannot investigate a council’s decision to start court proceedings or its conduct of those proceedings.
Statement Not upheld Private housing 17-Mar-2020
Summary: Mr C complains about the Council’s enforcement action about repairs needed to a property he rents out. The Ombudsman’s view is Mr C had opportunities to ask for a late appeal of a Notice he says he did not receive. A dispute about damage by the Council’s tree is for the courts, not the Ombudsman.
Crawley Borough Council (19 007 245)
Statement Upheld Private housing 27-Feb-2020
Summary: Mr B complains the Council has acted with fault in its communications with him about a property that he rents in its area. We uphold the complaint as the Council accepts giving Mr B unclear advice in January 2018. In recognition of this, the Council refunded Mr B around £700 he paid for a license to rent his house as one in multiple occupation. We consider this a fair remedy for any injustice caused by the Council’s actions.
Northampton Borough Council (19 007 510)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Private housing 27-Feb-2020
Summary: Mr X Complained about the Council’s failure to take action against the owner of a neighbouring property which he says has been derelict for 20 years. The Ombudsman should not investigate this complaint. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault which would warrant an investigation.