Other archive 2019-2020

Archive has 132 results

  • Nottinghamshire County Council (19 014 368)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 11-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Council has now agreed to put Mr J’s complaint about failure to provide post-adoption support through the statutory procedure for complaints about children’s services. So the Ombudsman should not consider the matter further at this stage.

  • Wiltshire Council (19 000 322)

    Statement Upheld Other 05-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complains about the procedure carried out by the Council’s Designated Officer for Allegations. She says this led to an incorrect finding being made against her which has had devastating consequences for her both personally and professionally. The Ombudsman has found fault because the procedure did not allow for a proper consideration of her version of events. There was also fault with the complaint procedure which was too restrictive in its remit and its failure to make a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service. To remedy this, the Council has agreed to apologise, make a payment to Mrs X and investigate her complaint again.

  • Surrey County Council (19 010 297)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 05-Feb-2020

    Summary: Ms X complains the Council failed to provide proper support to her when she and her family were the victims of domestic violence. The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint. Ms X could have raised her concerns with the Ombudsman sooner and it is unlikely we would now be able to carry out an effective investigation. It is not appropriate to exercise discretion to investigate Ms X’s complaint outside the normal timeframes.

  • Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council (19 014 334)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 04-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Council has agreed to arrange a stage 3 panel review of Ms J’s complaint about children’s services, so the Ombudsman should not investigate it at this stage.

  • Essex County Council (19 014 108)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 02-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Miss B’s complaint about the content of a Child and Family Assessment completed by the Council. This is because the complaint concerns matters which have been, or can be, considered in court.

  • Birmingham City Council (19 014 731)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 01-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mr C’s complaint that the Council was at fault in producing a Section 7 report. This is because the law prevents the Ombudsman from investigating the production or content of court reports.

  • Surrey County Council (19 015 683)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Other 30-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not consider Ms N’s complaint about the Council sharing personal information about her and her family. The Council has already proposed a suitable remedy.

  • Lancashire County Council (19 001 383)

    Statement Upheld Other 24-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mr and Mrs X complain about the adequacy of the Council’s handling of their complaint under the statutory children’s complaints’ procedure. Mr and Mrs X are unhappy with the stage 2 investigation and said the Council have refused to escalate the complaint to a stage 3 review panel. The Council was it fault. Its decision not to escalate the complaint to a stage 3 review panel was not in line with the statutory guidance. The Council agreed to hold a stage 3 panel within one month of the final decision and pay Mr and Mrs X a total of £350 to recognise the delays, distress, frustration and time and trouble caused by its faults.

  • Devon County Council (18 012 635)

    Statement Upheld Other 23-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complains about the Council’s remedy offer following an investigation of her complaints under the statutory children complaints procedure. Mrs X says the Council’s offer is not proportionate to the injustice caused by the faults identified. The Ombudsman finds fault with how the Council has considered the findings. We have recommended a financial remedy.

  • Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council (19 002 445)

    Statement Upheld Other 23-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Council failed to ensure Miss B’s son was provided with suitable full-time education, failed to provide Miss B with support in relation to her sons’ special educational needs, took too long to decide not to issue an Education, Health and Care plan and failed to tell Miss B how to escalate her complaints which significantly prolonged the complaints process. The Council has agreed to make payments and apologise to Miss B and her sons and take action to prevent similar failings in future.

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