Child protection archive 2019-2020

Archive has 253 results

  • Northamptonshire County Council (18 000 293)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 03-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mr B complained about the way in which the Council has restricted his contact and failed to make any reasonable adjustments for his disability. We find the Council failed to properly respond to Mr B’s request for reasonable adjustments. This caused Mr B distress and frustration. The Council has now considered Mr B’s request, agreed to find and fund an advocate, and pay him £250.

  • Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council (19 015 090)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 02-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr B’s complaint that the Council’s social worker has prevented him from having contact with his son. This is because we cannot achieve the outcome he is seeking.

  • West Berkshire Council (19 000 961)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 31-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mrs C says the Council was at fault for failures during an investigation into risk to her children which led the Council to overestimate that risk thereby causing her injustice. She says the Council relied on and refused to change false information. The Council was at fault for errors made during the investigation. It has agreed to apologise, pay her £250 and explain what further action it has taken or intends to take to remedy its fault.

  • London Borough of Barking & Dagenham (19 014 866)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 31-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate Mr A’s complaint about the Council’s actions in relation to ongoing court proceedings. Such matters lie outside the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction and we have no discretion to consider them. We cannot do so.

  • Middlesbrough Borough Council (18 017 282)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 29-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mr X complained about the Council’s actions relating to safeguarding procedures for his daughter. We should not investigate this complaint because the Council has accepted fault and offered a remedy to Mr X, and it has also made service improvements. It is unlikely investigation by the Ombudsman would lead to a different outcome.

  • Leicestershire County Council (19 014 427)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 29-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council wrongly naming his child. It is unlikely we would achieve a significantly different outcome than the apology given.

  • Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (18 017 328)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 28-Jan-2020

    Summary: The complainant alleges that the Council has been biased against him when carrying out its child in need and child protection duties. The Ombudsman finds that the Council acted appropriately, when initiating child protection procedures. But the Ombudsman has concerns about the written agreement, which the complainant was asked to sign, concerning his contact with his son. The Council was also at fault in not processing the complaint through the statutory Children Act procedures, thereby denying the complainant an independent investigation. To resolve the complaint, the Council has agreed to arrange a Stage 2 investigation under the Children Act. The Ombudsman is therefore closing the complaint.

  • Salford City Council (19 014 306)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 28-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about information held by the Council. This is because the Information Commissioner’s Office is the appropriate body to deal with Mr X’s concerns.

  • Lancashire County Council (19 012 685)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Child protection 28-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s involvement with the family of the complainant’s partner, and the way in which it handled his data. This is because the complainant does not have consent to complain on behalf of his partner, and we are unlikely to find fault in relation to the data handling.

  • Cornwall Council (19 008 955)

    Statement Upheld Child protection 27-Jan-2020

    Summary: the Council failed to provide Ms Q with updates at the frequency agreed by the court and that this amounts to fault that has caused Ms Q injustice for which the Council will apologise. There is no fault in relation to the other parts of the complaint.

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