Archive has 6 results
Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (18 012 682a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 24-Mar-2020
Summary: A woman complained about failures in her section 117 aftercare by the council, an NHS Partnership Trust, and a Clinical Commissioning Group. The Ombudsmen find failures in the way requests for direct payments were considered. Social care assessments were not completed as they should have been. Community mental health services did not properly respond to referrals by other professionals. This caused injustice, but it did not cause the woman to be without support for over a year. The organisations have agreed to take action to remedy the injustice.
Lincolnshire East Clinical Commissioning Group (18 012 682b)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 24-Mar-2020
Summary: A woman complained about failures in her section 117 aftercare by the council, an NHS Partnership Trust, and a Clinical Commissioning Group. The Ombudsmen find failures in the way requests for direct payments were considered. Social care assessments were not completed as they should have been. Community mental health services did not properly respond to referrals by other professionals. This caused injustice, but it did not cause the woman to be without support for over a year. The organisations have agreed to take action to remedy the injustice.
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust (18 014 182a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 11-Mar-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen found no fault by a Council relating to its role in a mental health assessment. The Ombudsmen found a Trust was at fault with its communication with a patient detained under the Mental Health Act about their illness and medication. There was also fault by the Trust in relation to accessing an advocate. The Ombudsmen recommended the Trust apologises for the distress caused by the identified faults and to create an action plan to address the faults.
North East London NHS Foundation Trust (18 009 616a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 20-Feb-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen finds fault by the two Councils, NELFT and the CCG in that they have failed to make appropriate educational and health provision for the complainants’ two children, who have special educational and mental health needs. The Ombudsmen have recommended steps to put things right for the children and parents. Issues about health provision for the children are now being considered by a Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal, which can make recommendations to NELFT about what clinical support it should provide to the children.
West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (18 009 616b)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 20-Feb-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen finds fault by the two Councils, NELFT and the CCG in that they have failed to make appropriate educational and health provision for the complainants’ two children, who have special educational and mental health needs. The Ombudsmen have recommended steps to put things right for the children and parents. Issues about health provision for the children are now being considered by a Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal, which can make recommendations to NELFT about what clinical support it should provide to the children.
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (19 012 290a)
Statement Upheld Mental health services 17-Feb-2020
Summary: The Ombudsmen find there was fault by a Trust in giving a family incorrect information about a mental health patient’s status. When this came to light it caused the patient’s wife considerable stress which has not yet been fully addressed. The Ombudsmen also find that fault by a Council meant the patient’s wife suffered this stress for too long. The Ombudsmen has recommended small financial payments to act as an acknowledgement of the outstanding injustice.