Transition from childrens services archive 2019-2020

Archive has 6 results

  • Lincolnshire County Council (19 019 062)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Transition from childrens services 23-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council refusing to remove records from his daughter Y’s social care file, which he says are false. The Ombudsman cannot order the Council to remove the information, which is the outcome Mr X seeks. The Information Commissioner’s Officer is the body best placed to consider the matter.

  • North Yorkshire County Council (19 003 926)

    Statement Not upheld Transition from childrens services 13-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Council delayed her daughter’s move by considering housing options for her which were unsuitable and contrary to her support plan. Mrs X said this caused her and her daughter significant unnecessary distress. There was no fault in the Council’s actions.

  • Hertfordshire County Council (19 011 650)

    Statement Upheld Transition from childrens services 04-Feb-2020

    Summary: Miss X complains the Council acted with fault in moving her from a placement at age 18 when she did not wish to move. The Council has failed to consider her complaint properly under the statutory procedure for complaints by or on behalf of children. It will arrange an investigation at Stage 2 of this procedure immediately.

  • London Borough of Barnet (18 019 297)

    Statement Upheld Transition from childrens services 09-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mr C complains he was not supported appropriately after he adopted his son. He says the Council failed to properly involve him in his son’s care, once his son left home, and did not investigate his complaints appropriately. Mr C could have come to us sooner about some of his complaints. There is evidence of fault in relation to a meeting arranged with Mr C that was never held.

  • City of York Council (18 017 550)

    Statement Upheld Transition from childrens services 06-Nov-2019

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Council had failed to plan ahead for her daughter, Miss Z’s transition in support from children to adult social care support. She complained it has failed to support her and her husband adequately as carers. The Council unacceptably delayed work to prepare for Miss Z’s adulthood. It also failed to effectively assess Mr and Mrs X’s needs as carers. It has agreed to apologise, assess Mr and Mrs X as carers, review practice between service areas and pay Miss Z £200 as a token remedy.

  • London Borough of Redbridge (18 019 749)

    Statement Upheld Transition from childrens services 23-Oct-2019

    Summary: Mr and Mrs X complained about how the Council carried out their son, Mr Y’s, transition from children’s to adults’ social care. The Council was at fault as it delayed significantly in carrying out Mr Y’s transition assessment. It has also not issued an amended Education, Health and Care plan which incorporates the assessment. However, this has not led to Mr Y missing out on care and support. It has caused significant undue stress, inconvenience and frustration for Mr and Mrs X. The Council has agreed to arrange to complete the recommendations of its stage two investigation, review Mr Y’s EHC plan and pay Mr and Mrs X £300.

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