Residential care archive 2019-2020

Archive has 138 results

  • Ideal Carehomes (Number One) Limited (19 007 619)

    Statement Upheld Residential care 31-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Care Provider gave her grandmother, Mrs G, insufficient notice to leave Hanley House Residential Care Home and then refused to let her collect her personal possessions. Mrs X said this caused distress and inconvenience to Mrs G and other family members. The Care Provider was at fault when it failed to provide written confirmation it had given Mrs G notice and failed to give her sufficient notice. It has agreed to apologise and make a payment to Mrs D to acknowledge the distress and anxiety this caused.

  • London Borough of Croydon (19 007 129)

    Statement Not upheld Residential care 27-Mar-2020

    Summary: There is no evidence of fault by the Council in this complaint. It followed the code of practice set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 before coming to a decision not to move Mr & Mrs Y from their care home.

  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (19 016 860)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Residential care 26-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr B’s complaint about care provided to his mother, Mrs C, by her care provider. This is because it is unlikely he could add to the care provider’s response or make a different finding even if he investigated. The care provider has apologised for its failings and implemented additional procedures. The Ombudsman is satisfied this remedies the injustice caused to Mrs C from the fault.

  • Southend-on-Sea City Council (18 012 591)

    Statement Upheld Residential care 24-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs X and Mrs Z complain about the care provided to Mrs Y and that the Care Provider gave notice in response to their complaints. This meant Mrs Y had to move from her home and caused Mrs X and Mrs Y significant stress and anxiety. They also complain that the Council failed to deal adequately with the issues. The Ombudsman finds the Council at fault in all these issues. It has agreed to apologise, reimburse some fees and pay £200 to Mrs X and Mrs Z. It will also take action to avoid similar problems in future.

  • Hestoncourt Limited (19 001 354)

    Statement Upheld Residential care 24-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complains about the care provided to Mrs Y and the way the Care Provider dealt with her complaint about that. The Ombudsman finds the Care Provider caused injustice in the way it dealt with Mrs X’s complaints as it falsified records and was not open about the events. He also finds the Care Provider did not adequately care for Mrs Y. He recommends the Care Provider apologise and provide training to all staff about the importance of accurate records.

  • Sentimental Care Limited (19 014 142)

    Statement Not upheld Residential care 24-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs X and Mrs Z complain that the Care Provider gave 12 days’ notice and would not refund fees paid in advance. It also would not deal with their complaint about this. The Ombudsman has discontinued his investigation as the Care Provider has ceased trading and we cannot achieve the outcome Mrs X and Mrs Z want.

  • London Borough of Newham (19 006 386)

    Statement Upheld Residential care 24-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs B complains about the care provided by Romford Care Centre (RCC) to her father, Mr D. There was fault by the Council and the care provider. The Council will apologise and make a payment to Mrs B.

  • Oxfordshire County Council (19 008 326)

    Statement Upheld Residential care 18-Mar-2020

    Summary: Mrs X complained about an incident that occurred at a Council commissioned care home which she says led to her father’s death. There were faults by the care home, acting on the Council’s behalf, which the Council identified through its safeguarding investigation. The care provider has already taken appropriate action to learn from the faults identified and to make improvements to its service.

  • Bupa Care Homes (CFHCare) Limited (19 014 528)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Residential care 18-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mrs B’s complaints about the actions of her late uncle’s, Mr C’s care provider. This is because sadly Mr C is now deceased so the Ombudsman could not provide him with a remedy to any injustice caused to him by his care provider even if he investigated.

  • Indigo Care Services Limited (19 018 528)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Residential care 18-Mar-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the care provider’s actions in respect of his deceased aunt,
    Mrs Y. This is because Mr X does not have the consent of Mrs Y’s executor. The Ombudsman will not investigate the other parts of the complaint because there is insufficient evidence of significant injustice to Mr X.

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