Domiciliary care archive 2019-2020

Archive has 82 results

  • Medway Council (18 017 295)

    Statement Not upheld Domiciliary care 19-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mrs D complained about the care of her mother by a Trust, a Council and Community Healthcare Trust. We found some fault with the Community Healthcare Trust, however we consider it took sufficient action to remedy this and the fault did not cause the injustice Mrs D claims.

  • Your Quality Care Services Limited (19 004 053)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 19-Dec-2019

    Summary: The Care Provider did not adequately record Mr D’s fluid intake or involve Mrs C when compiling key documents. This has caused Mrs C uncertainty about whether, but for the faults identified, Mr D’s health would not have declined. The Care Provider has already taken steps to address the failures identified. It has also agreed to apologise to Mrs C for the uncertainty and distress caused by these failures and make procedural changes.

  • TimRowlandJones Limited (18 019 660)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 18-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mrs B complained about actions taken by a Care Provider, including a missed care visit to her husband, Mr B, leaving him in distressing circumstances. We cannot safely conclude that the Care Provider informed Mr and Mrs B that the visit would be late and we find it failed to follow up subsequent calls and messages from Mrs B. We have asked the Care Provider to pay Mr and Mrs B £300.

  • Midshires Care Limited (19 003 616)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 17-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mr X complained Helping Hands sent inexperienced carers to look after his father, Mr Y. He said this caused his father distress and put him to unnecessary time and trouble. There was fault in the Care Provider’s actions because the carers were inexperienced, there was no up to date care plan in place and some visits were late and poorly spaced out. This caused some injustice for Mr X and Mr Y.
    The Care Provider has put forward a satisfactory remedy for Mr Y.
    It has agreed to make a payment to Mr X and remind staff of the need to accurately complete care visit records.

  • Bluebird Care (Bournemouth & Poole) (19 010 717)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Domiciliary care 16-Dec-2019

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the outcome of her complaint about a carer. This is because it is unlikely we could add to the response already provided via the care provider’s investigation. Also, the Ombudsman cannot consider disciplinary matters.

  • Luton Borough Council (19 006 360)

    Statement Not upheld Domiciliary care 10-Dec-2019

    Summary: Ms B complains about what happened when the hospital discharged her father. The complaint has concerns about both the Council and NHS Trust. At this stage Ms B has not made a complaint to the NHS Trust. It is better for the Ombudsmen to investigate the whole complaint, so I have discontinued investigation at this stage. The NHS Trust should be allowed the opportunity to investigate. If they cannot resolve Ms B’s complaint she can revert to the Ombudsmen for a full investigation. It is difficult to separate the issues about the Council from the issues about the NHS Trust.

  • Surrey County Council (19 005 901)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 09-Dec-2019

    Summary: We uphold a complaint about failures in Mr D’s home care. The Council failed to ensure Mr D’s care was delivered in line with his eligible needs. Care was not in line with section 18 of the Care Act, which was fault causing avoidable distress. To remedy the injustice, the Council will apologise and pay Mr D £1000.

  • Executive 2000 Recruitment Ltd (19 007 536)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Domiciliary care 09-Dec-2019

    Summary: The Ombudsman should not pursue this complaint about the care provider’s actions. This is mainly because the central part of the complaint, concerning disputed care charges, is a matter for the courts.

  • Portsmouth City Council (18 018 200)

    Statement Upheld Domiciliary care 08-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mrs C complains about the quality of care the Council provided to her late husband. There was fault in the way care records were recorded and maintained. The Council has agreed to apologise and make a payment to Mrs C to remedy the injustice caused. It has also agreed to remind its care provider about the importance of maintaining accurate records.

  • Derby City Council (19 004 553)

    Statement Not upheld Domiciliary care 03-Dec-2019

    Summary: Miss X complained about the Council’s decision to change her care package and reduce the length of carer visit times. I have discontinued my investigation. The Council has already reviewed Miss X’s care and has reinstated her care package to the previous level which meets her needs. Further investigation would unlikely lead to a different outcome.

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