Charging archive 2019-2020

Archive has 154 results

  • Warwickshire County Council (18 017 301)

    Statement Upheld Charging 28-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Council failed to arrange an advocate when Mr B was discharged from hospital to a care home, when it was considered that Mr B did not have capacity to decide where to live himself. The Council also failed to arrange an advocate when it carried out social care needs and financial assessments. Then, when Mr B refused to contribute to the cost of his care and said he did not want to live in the care home, the Council failed to decide if he had capacity to manage his own finances or decide where to live. The Council has agreed to take action to prevent similar failings in future, to make a payment to Mr B and to support him to move to alternative accommodation, if that is in his best interests.

  • Chilworth Care Ltd (19 004 101)

    Statement Not upheld Charging 28-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Care Provider continued to receive fee payments from the complainant’s account, after he had died. The evidence indicates this was because of an error by the complainant’s bank. The Care Provider should have repaid the money more quickly, but as this has now been completed, there is no unresolved injustice for the Ombudsman to address here. He has therefore completed his investigation.

  • Warwickshire County Council (19 005 265)

    Statement Not upheld Charging 27-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs B complains she was misinformed about charges for her father’s care. She also complains about the amount of care he received and that he was not provided with reablement service. The Ombudsman does not find fault with the Council.

  • Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (19 005 477)

    Statement Upheld Charging 27-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs R complained about the way the Council calculated her father’s contribution to his care home costs. There was fault in the way the Council reviewed its decision and a delay in carrying out the review. The Council should pay the family £700 to remedy the injustice caused and review its process.

  • Staffordshire County Council (19 006 380)

    Statement Upheld Charging 27-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mr X complains that the Council charged Mrs Y for her care when she understood it would be free. He says the unexpected bill caused her to cancel her care. The Ombudsman finds the Council was not at fault in this.

  • Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (19 009 079)

    Statement Upheld Charging 26-Feb-2020

    Summary: Ms X complains the Council failed to act properly in arranging care for her mother Ms Y, causing her and her family distress and financial loss. The Ombudsman finds the Council failed to follow the Care Act statutory guidance. He recommends the Council pays Ms X £300 for distress; carries out a full needs assessment of Ms Y; refunds and pays third party top up fees until it identifies a suitable and affordable placement for Ms Y; contracts with the care home directly; provides training to staff and; amends its literature to prevent recurrence.

  • Suffolk County Council (19 016 493)

    Statement Upheld Charging 26-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr D’s complaint about the Council’s decision not to waiver the full cost of his father’s, Mr C’s care. This is because the Council has waivered the first six weeks, so there is no unremedied injustice for the Ombudsman to investigate.

  • Oxfordshire County Council (19 016 649)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Charging 25-Feb-2020

    Summary: Ms X complained about the Council’s response to a carer having stolen her mother’s money. We will not investigate this late complaint as there is not a good reason Ms X did not complain to the Ombudsman sooner upon realising in 2018 the Council had not resolved the complaint to her satisfaction.

  • Durham County Council (19 008 488)

    Statement Upheld Charging 24-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman found fault by the Council with regards to how it explained the charging process for respite care to the family of a woman with mental health problems. However, The Ombudsman is satisfied this did not result in a significant injustice to the woman or her family.

  • West Sussex County Council (19 001 653)

    Statement Upheld Charging 24-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs C’s complaint is that the Council charged a top-up fee in respect of residential nursing care for her mother Mrs D, without her consent and without advising her of it, when she jointly held Lasting Power of Attorney. The Ombudsman finds there was fault by the Council which calls into question the top-up fees charged. The Council has agreed to the Ombudsman’s recommendations for action to remedy the injustice caused by its failings in this case.

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