Assessment and care plan archive 2019-2020

Archive has 240 results

  • Cambridgeshire County Council (19 006 593)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 12-Feb-2020

    Summary: A solicitor complains for her client Ms B that the Council failed to adequately assess her needs and reduced her care package despite a deterioration in her health. She also complains the sum Ms B has been assessed as having to pay towards her care is unaffordable. The Ombudsman finds no fault in the decision-making process followed leading to a reduction in the care package, and work to assess affordability is ongoing. However, there were delays and communication failings by the Council which caused Ms B injustice. The Council has agreed to the Ombudsman’s recommendation for a remedy payment and for service improvements.

  • Dorset Council (19 005 009)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 10-Feb-2020

    Summary: There was fault in the way the Council assessed Ms C’s income and treated her representative’s refusal to apply for a ‘support for mortgage interest’ (SMI) loan as notional income. The Council has agreed to apologise in writing and to refund Ms C’s interest payments that could be covered by SMI until the point it formulates a policy on SMI and reassesses Ms C’s finances.

  • West Sussex County Council (18 007 110)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 07-Feb-2020

    Summary: There was delay in carrying out a social care assessment in August 2017 for Mr B and in sending a copy of the assessment to Ms A. This meant Mr B did not receive a personal budget which would have enabled his family to arrange respite care. There was also a delay in sending Ms A a copy of a social care assessment which caused her avoidable frustration and inconvenience. To remedy the injustice, the Council will apologise and make payments described in this statement.

  • Brighton & Hove City Council (19 014 531)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 07-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman cannot investigate this complaint about the actions of a social worker. This is because we do not have consent from the person who is the subject of the complaint.

  • North Yorkshire County Council (19 010 955)

    Report Upheld Assessment and care plan 07-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mr and Mrs X complain on Ms X’s behalf. They complain that the Council took 15 months too long to complete a financial assessment it agreed to carry out to remedy an earlier complaint we upheld. This has delayed the resolution of Mr and Mrs X’s concerns about the Council’s calculation of disability related expenditure.

  • Middlesbrough Borough Council (19 006 726)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 06-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Council was at fault for not completing a timely review of the complainant’s care. It is not possible to conclude this made any significant difference to the care she received, or delayed her receipt of Continuing Healthcare; but it caused her son some distress, time and trouble, and the Council has agreed to offer a financial remedy for this.

  • Telford & Wrekin Council (19 012 643)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 06-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Ms B’s complaint about the Council breaching her mother’s, Mrs C’s, confidentiality. This is because Ms B can ask the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) to consider her concerns about breaches of data and it would be reasonable for her to do so. There is no significant injustice to Ms B from the actions taken by the Council to warrant an Ombudsman investigation.

  • Southend-on-Sea City Council (19 015 337)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Assessment and care plan 06-Feb-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsmen will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint. The Ombudsmen consider Mrs X’s complaint about events at Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust in 2017 is late, and we could not say the Trust should have detained Mr Y in 2017 and 2019. Also, the Ombudsmen do not consider there is a significant injustice to Mrs X to warrant an investigation of Southend Clinical Commissioning Group’s continuing healthcare assessment of Mr Y.

  • Staffordshire County Council (19 003 615)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 03-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mrs C complained the Council stopped her son’s respite care funding, even though he continued to have a need for this. The Ombudsman found fault with the actions of the Council. The Council has agreed to apologise and pay a financial remedy for distress. It will also review the system through which it reallocates respite care funding from one year to the next.

  • Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (19 005 279)

    Statement Upheld Assessment and care plan 03-Feb-2020

    Summary: Mr X complains about the Council’s decision to charge his son for care provision. The Council had previously waived his son’s contributions. Mr X says the Council did not complete a mental capacity assessment for his son. He also complains about how the Council completed the financial assessment. The Ombudsman finds some fault with the Council’s actions. However, we do not find fault with the Council’s decision to charge Mr X’s son for his care provision or with the way it completed the financial assessment. We have recommended the Council apologise to Mr X.

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