Archive has 2 results
Report Upheld School transport 13-Mar-2019
Summary: Mrs B complained to us in 2016 about the Council’s decision to refuse her younger daughter, C, home to school transport to the secondary school that she attends (reference: 16 008 920). We found that the Council’s policy did not comply with the Home to school travel and transport guidance, and it should have offered C home to school transport. The Council agreed to provide home to school transport for C to her present school from the date of our decision; reimburse Mrs B for the actual home to school transport costs she incurred for C from September 2016 (up to a maximum of £700); and maintain its current Home to School Transport Policy for the present but review it within three months in light of our guidance. Mrs B complains that the Council has failed to carry out the agreed actions.
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (16 019 471)
Report Upheld School transport 03-Oct-2018
Summary: Mr and Mrs B complain the Council wrongly refused to provide free home to school transport for F, a child they foster for the Council. F is subject of a Full Care Order, has special needs and attends a special needs school.