Residential care archive 2014-2015

Archive has 3 results

  • Cherry Acre Residential Home (14 008 263)

    Report Upheld Residential care 12-Mar-2015

    Summary: Complaint from a woman that a care provider charged her father in law for a period of care when his care was being arranged by the council. She paid the amount invoiced because of the care provider's demand

  • Cambridgeshire County Council (13 016 935)

    Report Upheld Residential care 20-Jan-2015

    Summary: Complaint from a woman that the council moved her husband into a residential home against both his and her wishes. She says she was forced to accept this course of action and the council failed to properly consider her preference of care home.

  • Warwickshire County Council (13 000 134)

    Report Upheld Residential care 31-Oct-2014

    Summary: Complaint from a couple that the council failed to provide respite care in line with their adult disabled daughter's needs. The council also failed to ensure the care provider registered the home, where the women stayed for respite, with the Care Quality Commission.

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