Advice on comparing statistics across years

In 2022-23 we changed our investigation processes, contributing towards an increase in the average uphold rate across all complaints. Consider comparing individual council uphold rates against the average rate rather than against previous years.

In 2020-21 we received and decided fewer complaints than normal because we stopped accepting new complaints for three months due to Covid-19.

Selby District Council

Annual statistics ?Find out more about annual statistics

Annual letters

We write to councils each year to give a summary of the complaint statistics we record about them,
and their performance in responding to our investigations.

View annual letters

Public reports ?Find out more about public reports

In the last nine years, the Ombudsman has published the following public interest reports against Selby District Council

The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) has issued a second report into Selby District Council, after the authority refused to comply with recommendations made in a previous report.


Public reports for Selby District Council

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Service improvements ?Find out more about service improvements

Since April 2018, the Council has agreed to make the following improvements to its services following an Ombudsman investigation. We list up to 10 cases below – click ‘view all’ if there are more.

Case reference: 18 013 961

Category: Planning

Sub Category: Enforcement

  • Carry out at least three unannounced visits to the site, at least one per month, at appropriate times of the day to ensure the developer is complying with relevant conditions, particularly hours of work. The Council should keep records of these visits, and a written analysis of Mr X's diary sheets. The Council should keep visiting the site on a monthly basis until the development is completed; and Report back to the Ombudsman at the end of the three-month period, giving details of the site visits made, and its analysis of Mr X's diary sheets.
  • Review its policy for vexatious and unreasonable complainants to make sure any such complainant is warned about any behaviour that falls within the scope of the policy and is given the opportunity to change that behaviour before being designated as vexatious.


Service improvements agreed by Selby District Council

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Last updated: 4 April 2015

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