Advice on comparing statistics across years

In 2022-23 we changed our investigation processes, contributing towards an increase in the average uphold rate across all complaints. Consider comparing individual council uphold rates against the average rate rather than against previous years.

In 2020-21 we received and decided fewer complaints than normal because we stopped accepting new complaints for three months due to Covid-19.

London Borough of Ealing

Annual statistics ?Find out more about annual statistics

  • Complaints upheld

    76% of complaints we investigated were upheld.

    This compares to an average of 85% in similar authorities.

    26 upheld decisions

    Adjusted for London Borough of Ealing's population, this is
    7 upheld decisions per 100,000 residents

    The average for authorities of this type is
    8.2 upheld decisions per 100,000 residents.

    View upheld decisions

    Statistics are based on a total of 34 investigations for the period between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

  • Compliance with Ombudsman recommendations

    100% of cases we were satisfied the Council had successfully implemented our recommendations.

    This compares to an average of 99% in similar authorities.

    Statistics are based on a total of 15 compliance outcomes for the period between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

  • Satisfactory remedies provided by the Council

    In 27% of upheld cases we found the Council had provided a satisfactory remedy before the complaint reached the Ombudsman.

    This compares to an average of 12% in similar authorities.

    7 satisfactory remedy decisions

    Statistics are based on a total of 26 upheld decisions for the period between 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

    View all satisfactory remedy decisions

Annual letters

We write to councils each year to give a summary of the complaint statistics we record about them,
and their performance in responding to our investigations.

View annual letters

Public reports ?Find out more about public reports

In the last nine years, the Ombudsman has published the following public interest reports against London Borough of Ealing

Ealing council has been criticised by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman for leaving a young homeless family in a 10th floor flat with faulty windows for nearly 18 months.

Councils are being urged to check they have adequate information sharing agreements with their service providers, after one council was not able comply with an agreed Ombudsman remedy because it could not get hold of the data needed.

Ealing council has agreed to review whether it works with a home care provider in future after it was found to have falsified records during an Ombudsman investigation.

London Borough of Ealing did not carry out adequate assessments of the support a disabled mother needed when her young son moved from nursery to school, the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found.

A mother and her five children were accommodated in a damp and mouldy single bedroom, too small for the number of people, by Ealing council while it took too long to decide their homelessness status.

There was a lack of effective partnership working between two west London authorities when supporting a woman at risk of domestic violence, says a Local Government Ombudsman report.


Public reports for London Borough of Ealing

View all

Service improvements ?Find out more about service improvements

Since April 2018, the Council has agreed to make the following improvements to its services following an Ombudsman investigation. We list up to 10 cases below – click ‘view all’ if there are more.

Case reference: 23 013 270

Category: Education

Sub Category: School transport

  • The Council agreed to remind its staff that members of the public may submit corporate complaints about the quality of service they received regardless of any appeals they submitted. In those cases, the Council should still consider the corporate complaint as per its travel assistance policy.

Case reference: 23 007 815

Category: Planning

Sub Category: Planning applications

  • The Council will review how planning queries are responded to and implement processes to ensure they do not go unanswered.

Case reference: 23 005 023

Category: Planning

Sub Category: Enforcement

  • The Council agreed to remind officers of the need to record concerns raised by neighbours making representations so these are available for the decision maker.
  • The Council agreed to remind officers of the need to clearly record any agreement reached with those making representations about site visits.
  • The Council agreed to review why her complaint did not follow the timescales set out in the complaint procedure, so these failures are not repeated in future.

Case reference: 23 010 991

Category: Adult care services

Sub Category: Domiciliary care

  • The Council has agreed to identify the action it is going to take to ensure it always produces a care and support plan when it has identified eligible care needs.
  • The Council has agreed to identify the action it is going to take to ensure officers respond to requests for information from care providers
  • The Council has agreed to identify the action it is going to take to ensure officers are aware that self-funders do not need to share their financial information if they are happy to fund their own care.
  • The Council has agreed to identify the action it is going to take to ensure people receiving care and support know what they need to do if they want to make changes to their care arrangements.
  • The Council has agreed to identify the action it is going to take to ensure care workers do not make informal arrangements with clients about when they will attend.

Case reference: 23 008 445

Category: Education

Sub Category: School transport

  • The Council will review its home to school transport policies to ensure they comply with legislation and government guidance, in particular concerning accompaniment.

Case reference: 23 005 480

Category: Adult care services

Sub Category: Charging

  • The Council should provide an action plan showing how it will improve the financial assessment team’s communication with service users and their representatives.

Case reference: 23 004 065

Category: Housing

Sub Category: Private housing

  • Send a written reminder to officers in the Property Regulation team about the importance of good record-keeping and the need to make a contemporaneous record of property inspections and telephone calls.

Case reference: 23 003 422

Category: Adult care services

Sub Category: Charging

  • The Council will issue written reminders to relevant staff to ensure they appropriately communicate with service users or their representatives about issues to do with financial assessments and their care without undue delay.

Case reference: 23 000 441

Category: Housing

Sub Category: Private housing

  • The Council has agreed that it will issue a reminder to relevant officers to keep appropriate records of telephone conversations.
  • The Council has also agreed that it will issue a reminder to relevant officers about which cases should be referred to the Housing Ombudsman Service and which should be referred to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

Case reference: 22 015 384

Category: Housing

Sub Category: Homelessness

  • The Council will review how it can improve information sharing between its Housing and Temporary Accommodation Team to ensure changes in Notice to Quit processes are communicated without delay to applicants.
  • The Council will remind officers to adhere to timescales agreed with applicants to respond, take actions, or seek approvals from managers to avoid unnecessary uncertainty or heightened expectations.


Service improvements agreed by London Borough of Ealing

View all

Last updated: 4 April 2015

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