- Welcome and introductions
- Apologies
- Declarations of interest
- Any other Business
- Casework briefing
(no papers)
- Minutes of the meeting held on 2 November 2017
- Matters arising - action log
- Chair and Chief Executive's report
(no paper attached)
- Focus report: Still no place like home?
For the commission to note the latest published guidance. Attached as CLA2270
- Quarterly budget monitoring - Q3
(no paper attached)
- Draft 2018-19 budget
Restricted item - no paper attached
- Corporate performance report Oct-Dec 2017
To consider and note the report (attached as CLA2273)
- Quality and Service standards
Restricted item - no paper attached
- LGSCO Framework document
To consider and note the report (attached as CLA2275)
- Health, safety and wellbeing committee update and annual review report
Restricted item - no paper attached
- Corporate Strategy
To consider and approve the strategy (attached as CLA2277)
- LGSCO Business Plan 2018-19 Development
Restricted item - no paper attached
- LGSCO Business Plan 2017-18
To consider and approve the report (attached as CLA2279)
- Strategic risk register
Restricted item - no paper attached
- Draft timetable for the production of the 2017-18 annual report and accounts
Restricted item - no paper attached
- Audit and Risk Assurance Committee update
No paper attached
- Remuneration Committee update
No paper attached
- Date of next meeting
Thursday 26 April 2018