Recent statements in this category are shown below:
Nottinghamshire County Council (23 017 752)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 04-Jul-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council responded to a previous agreement on maintaining a hedge that runs alongside Mrs X’s property. Of the parts of Mrs X’s complaint we could investigate, the Council’s actions has not caused Mrs X a significant enough injustice to warrant an investigation, and it has already taken steps to address her concerns during our involvement. Nor can we achieve the outcome Mrs X wants in relation to the other parts of her complaint.
Redcar & Cleveland Council (24 002 118)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 30-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of property at a site adjacent to Ms X’s land. This is because past events concerning the occupation and sale of the property fall outside our jurisdiction due to the passage of time and because we are unlikely to find evidence of fault by the Council in how it has responded to more recent reports of anti-social behaviour at the property.
Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council (24 001 419)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 26-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about how the Council responded to the complainants concerns after he was asked to leave private property. The Council is not responsible for the matter he complains about.
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 24-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate X’s complaint about the Council’s decision not to act when a fence was built on common land. This is because there is insufficient evidence of fault in the Council’s decision making and the matter has not caused X a significant personal injustice.
London Borough of Merton (23 013 289)
Statement Upheld Land 20-Jun-2024
Summary: Mr X complained about the Council publishing incorrect information about liability for maintaining the road next to his home. Mr X said finding the Council did not maintain the road after he bought his home caused distress, anxiety and financial damage. We found the Council at fault for not providing accurate and timely information about the road, which information it knew Mr X and others would rely on when deciding to buy their homes. To put matters right, the Council agreed to refer Mr X’s and other residents’ complaints to its insurers to consider and resolve.
Manchester City Council (24 002 190)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 18-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about who owns a disputed strip of land. The rightful ownership of the land is a legal matter and any investigation by us is unlikely to achieve a meaningful outcome.
Havant Borough Council (24 001 548)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 04-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about a lease dispute as it is made late to us and is ultimately a matter for the courts.
Suffolk County Council (24 000 925)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 02-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council authorising highway infrastructure works on land which Mrs X claims is inside her property boundary. We cannot determine boundary disputes and only the courts could provide a legal remedy if Mrs X wishes to challenge the extent of the highway boundary.
West Sussex County Council (23 020 785)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 12-May-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about matters relating to land the complainants bought from the Council some years ago. This is because it falls outside our jurisdiction due to the passage of time and the availability of a court remedy against the Council which we would reasonably expect them to use.
Sunderland City Council (23 021 207)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Land 06-May-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s application to the Land Registry concerning land which Mr X says falls under his ownership. This is because the complaint falls outside our jurisdiction as it is a late complaint and because Mr X has a right of appeal to the courts if he wants to challenge the Council’s position.