Alternative provision

Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • West Berkshire Council (24 003 970)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Alternative provision 04-Aug-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint about whether the Council has provided suitable education to Y. We cannot investigate this as the Tribunal is deciding what is a suitable education for Y.

  • Devon County Council (23 020 832)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 02-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complains the Council did not properly deal with education provision for her daughter Y. The Council is at fault because tutoring provided was not good enough and there has been delay in making further provision. Y suffered loss of education provision. The Council should apologise to Mrs X and Y and pay Mrs X £3000.

  • Bristol City Council (23 019 585)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 02-Aug-2024

    Summary: Miss X complains the Council did not properly deal with educational and special educational needs provision for her daughter Y. The Council did not provide suitable full-time education for Y. Y suffered a loss of educational provision. The Council has offered Miss X an appropriate remedy.

  • Surrey County Council (23 016 652)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 01-Aug-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complained the Council did not deliver suitable alternative provision or found a suitable school placement for her son. We have found fault with the Council for delays in providing alternative education when Mrs X’s son was out of school. We have also found fault with the Council for not issuing an amended Education Health Care Plan following the annual review.

  • Kent County Council (23 013 236)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 30-Jul-2024

    Summary: Mrs X complains the Council failed in its duties to provide suitable education and Special Educational Needs support to her child, P. There was fault by the Council which caused P to miss education and SEN support. It also caused avoidable distress for P, and avoidable distress, time, and trouble for Mrs X. The Council agreed to apologise, pay a financial remedy, and properly consider Mrs X’s request for a Personal Budget for P’s Education, Health, and Care Plan. The Council will also review relevant processes, and issue reminders to staff in its Special Educational Needs Service and Children’s Complaints Team.

  • North Yorkshire Council (23 016 785)

    Statement Not upheld Alternative provision 28-Jul-2024

    Summary: We did not find fault with the Council in how it approached its duties for the complainant’s (Mrs X) son (Y) when Y stopped attending school. We cannot investigate whether the Council arranged suitable alternative provision for Y and delivered his special educational provision from the date of issuing Y’s final Education Health and Care Plan in March 2023. Mrs X appealed Sections B, F and I of this plan and the matters complained about are too closely linked with the appeal.

  • Central Bedfordshire Council (23 017 901)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 28-Jul-2024

    Summary: There was fault by the Council, because it did not properly discharge its duty to arrange alternative provision for a child who was not attending school. It is not possibly to state clearly what material difference this made, but we consider it caused frustration and distress to the complainant and child. The Council has agreed to offer a financial remedy to account for this, and to formally apologise.

  • Lancashire County Council (24 001 595)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Alternative provision 25-Jul-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about alternative educational provision for Miss X’s child. We are legally prevented from investigating what educational provision should have been made for the child after the Council issued a new Education Health and Care Plan that Miss X appealed against, and any period before then is too short for the Council to have had an alternative education duty.

  • Norfolk County Council (24 003 620)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Alternative provision 25-Jul-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate Miss X’s complaint about the lack of education. We cannot investigate issues which were or could have been part of a Tribunal Appeal.

  • Cornwall Council (23 013 768)

    Statement Upheld Alternative provision 23-Jul-2024

    Summary: We have found fault with the Council for not delivering suitable alternative educational provision for Mr X’s son after he was excluded from school. He missed a term of education that affected his learning and behaviour. The Council has agreed to remedy this injustice.

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