Looked after children

Recent statements in this category are shown below:

  • Central Bedfordshire Council (24 000 498)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 09-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about a data breach and about the Council’s actions in relation to its child protection involvement with her family. This is because the data matter is best considered by the Information Commissioner’s Office and there is no sign of fault in the Council’s decision not to consider her complaint about its child protection actions whilst there are ongoing court proceedings.

  • Warrington Council (24 000 191)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 06-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the actions of a social worker in removing Ms X’s teenage child from her home. There is not enough evidence of fault by the Council to warrant our further involvement.

  • Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (23 013 019)

    Statement Upheld Looked after children 06-Jun-2024

    Summary: Mr X complained about the Council’s investigation under the statutory children’s complaints procedure into his concerns about safeguarding referrals relating the care of his children. The Council delayed completing the complaints procedure, which was fault. The Council investigated the complaints properly, but delayed carrying out some of the recommendations which was also fault. The Council agreed to make payments to Mr X to acknowledge the distress, frustration and uncertainty this caused.

  • Derby City Council (24 000 150)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: We cannot investigate Ms X’s complaint about the Council’s refusal to involve her in her child’s care reviews or communicate with her about her child’s care and wellbeing. The matter has already been considered by a court.

  • Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council (24 001 156)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 03-Jun-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the Council’s actions in its children’s services involvement with her family. This is because there is no sign of fault in the Council’s decision not to consider her complaint until the ongoing court proceedings have concluded.

  • Derbyshire County Council (23 015 153)

    Statement Not upheld Looked after children 28-May-2024

    Summary: Miss X complained about the Council’s decision not to investigate her complaint until she shortened the summary of complaint to two pages. We have decided to discontinue our investigation. The Council has agreed to consider Miss X’s complaint and this was her desired outcome for our investigation.

  • Cheshire East Council (23 021 315)

    Statement Upheld Looked after children 22-May-2024

    Summary: We upheld this complaint, and the Council has agreed to resolve the complaint early by taking the complaint through the children’s statutory complaints procedure and by apologising to Mr X. We did not investigate Mr X’s substantive complaints about support he received as a looked after child or as a care leaver because the Council agreed to progress the complaint through the statutory children’s complaints procedure.

  • Milton Keynes Council (23 020 718)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 21-May-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s failure to provide information in a hardcopy format as the Information Commissioner’s Office is better placed to consider this.

  • London Borough of Newham (23 016 521)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 21-May-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the complainant’s time in care. This is because the events happened too long ago, and I see no good reason to exercise discretion. The Information Commissioner is better placed to consider the complainants concerns about how their information has been stored and how their information requests have been dealt with.

  • Wakefield City Council (23 021 227)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries Looked after children 14-May-2024

    Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the actions of a social worker in relation to Miss B and her child. This is because there is another body better placed to consider this complaint. Also we cannot achieve the outcome Miss B wants.

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