Recent statements in this category are shown below:
Derby City Council (23 019 832)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 22-Nov-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council refusing to add to its records that a court document about Miss X had incorrectly stated she had twice declined mother and baby placements. The Information Commissioner’s Office is better placed than us to deal with matters of alleged data inaccuracy as it has powers to require rectification and impose penalties that we lack.
London Borough of Enfield (24 004 921)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 05-Nov-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s involvement with Miss X’s child being removed from her care. The key decisions are for the courts, not just the Council. We cannot investigate the commencement or conduct of court action, or the court’s decision-making.
Essex County Council (23 017 341)
Statement Upheld Adoption 31-Oct-2024
Summary: We upheld a complaint from Mr D and Mr E that they did not receive enough support from the Council when they adopted a child from its area. In particular, when they needed support with the child’s challenging behaviours. We considered fault by the Council caused them unnecessary distress. The Council accepted these findings. At the end of this statement, we set out the action it has agreed to take to remedy their injustice and make service improvements.
Luton Borough Council (24 003 870)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 21-Oct-2024
Summary: We have discontinued our investigation into Mrs X’s complaint about the Council’s post adoption support for her daughters. This is because, since we received the complaint, the Council has provided Mrs X with a right to review at stage three if she is still dissatisfied. Therefore, we will not investigate further.
Newcastle upon Tyne City Council (23 019 787)
Statement Not upheld Adoption 10-Oct-2024
Summary: The Council was not at fault in how it decided Mr X’s adoption allowance. Although it departed from recommendations originally made by the government – which are widely used by other councils – it has provided a reasonable explanation for doing so.
Kent County Council (24 007 053)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 25-Sep-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint that the Council has failed to take action to identify the complainant’s daughter’s needs and put appropriate provision and therapies in place to address them. This is because part of the complaint is late and there are no grounds to consider it now, and investigation would not achieve the outcome the complainant is seeking.
Coventry City Council (24 005 909)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 10-Sep-2024
Summary: We cannot investigate Mrs X’s complaint about the actions of the Council and one of its social workers because it lies outside our jurisdiction. The law prevents us from investigating matters which have been considered in court.
Liverpool City Council (24 006 091)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 10-Sep-2024
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s handling of adoption records. There is no worthwhile outcome achievable by our investigation.
Luton Borough Council (23 020 528)
Statement Upheld Adoption 18-Aug-2024
Summary: The Council has already accepted that it was at fault for some of the ways in which it attempted to support Mr and Mrs B ahead of a proposed adoption placement. And its explanations for other actions it took – which it has supported with evidence – are not obviously unreasonable. Consequently, it would not be proportionate to do a further investigation of the issues Mr and Mrs B raise. But the Council has agreed to take steps to improve its service.
Essex County Council (24 001 368)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Adoption 12-Jun-2024
Summary: We will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint about adopters letter box contact. It is unlikely we would find significant fault which has caused her a significant injustice.