Archive has 1406 results
Newark & Sherwood District Council (21 018 615)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 31-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint about the Councils response to a worker/contractor using a chainsaw to remove a hedge without a risk assessment or closing off the path. The issue has not caused Ms X significant personal injustice.
Cumbria County Council (21 019 022)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 31-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not exercise discretion to investigate this complaint about damage caused to Ms X’s property arising from the Council’s failure to clear overgrown gullys on the public highway. This is because it is reasonable to expect Ms X to go to court to determine any liability owed by the Council.
Horsham District Council (21 017 991)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Parking and other penalties 31-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint about the Council issuing him with penalty charge notices. Mr X had a right of appeal to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal for each ticket, and it would have been reasonable for him to use this.
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council (21 017 427)
Statement Upheld Parking and other penalties 31-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint the Council’s enforcement agent was at fault in visiting twice, demanding more money than he owed, and clamping his vehicle. The Council’s agent has already accepted it was at fault, apologised and paid £75. The Council has agreed to pay Mr X an additional £225 which is a fair outcome.
City of York Council (21 018 262)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Rights of way 31-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about highway maintenance. There is insufficient evidence of significant injustice to Mr X which would warrant an investigation.
Plymouth City Council (21 017 981)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Parking and other penalties 30-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate Mr X’s complaint the Council issued a penalty charge notice and was responsible for him using an out of date parking permit. It was reasonable for Mr X to use his right of appeal to the parking adjudicator if he wanted to challenge the penalty charge notice. There is no other injustice or public interest reason for investigating the renewal of parking permits.
Transport for London (21 018 148)
Statement Upheld Parking and other penalties 30-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about Transport for London’s issuing a penalty charge notice for entering an ultra-low emission zone without paying the charge. This is because Transport for London has now agreed to waive the charge and it is unlikely an investigation would achieve anything more.
Bury Metropolitan Borough Council (21 018 243)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Highway repair and maintenance 30-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate Ms X’s complaint that the Council has failed to maintain the road where she lives. Ms X has an alternative legal remedy at court if she believes the road is in disrepair which it is reasonable for her to use. The Ombudsman cannot achieve what Ms X wants.
Lincolnshire County Council (21 018 372)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Public transport 30-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about the Council’s failure to fulfil a pre-booked journey on its on-demand bus service. This is because there is insufficient injustice caused by the Council’s actions to warrant our intervention.
London Borough of Hillingdon (21 018 457)
Statement Closed after initial enquiries Parking and other penalties 30-Mar-2022
Summary: We will not investigate this complaint about a Penalty Charge Notice. This is because there is not enough evidence of fault to justify our investigating.