School admissions archive 2019-2020

Archive has 131 results

  • London Borough of Barking & Dagenham (19 015 207)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries School admissions 12-Jan-2020

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mr B’s complaint that the Council’s school admission appeals panel was at fault in refusing his appeal for a school place for his daughter. This is because it is unlikely we would find fault on the Council’s part.

  • Kent County Council (19 015 145)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries School admissions 10-Jan-2020

    Summary: A parent complained that the Council had failed to make sufficient reasonable adjustments in view of her son’s special educational needs, when he took the Kent Test for admission to grammar school. However the Ombudsman will not investigate this matter. This is because the injustice due to any fault by the Council is unknown at this stage, and the parent will have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel about any refusal of a school place.

  • London Borough of Hounslow (19 007 750)

    Statement Upheld School admissions 09-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mr B complains about a school admission appeal. The Ombudsman finds fault with the Council. Mr B cannot be sure his appeal was properly considered. The Council agrees to take action to remedy the injustice caused.

  • London Borough of Redbridge (19 014 129)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries School admissions 08-Jan-2020

    Summary: A parent complained that the Council had unreasonably withdrawn the offer of a place for her son at her preferred infant school. But the Ombudsman will not start an investigation of this matter as the parent has a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel about the Council’s decision.

  • The Fulham Bilingual (19 006 485)

    Statement Not upheld School admissions 02-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mrs B complains an independent appeals panel did not properly consider her appeal against the decision not to admit her child to her preferred school. Mrs B says the school is the only one of its nature in the area and her daughter would benefit greatly from a place there. The Ombudsman does not find fault with how the panel considered Mrs B’s appeal.

  • London Borough of Newham (19 008 726)

    Statement Upheld School admissions 02-Jan-2020

    Summary: Mrs V says a school admission appeals panel acted with fault in the way it considered her case. There is evidence of fault and the Council has been asked to arrange a fresh appeal.

  • Hampshire County Council (19 006 590)

    Statement Not upheld School admissions 23-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mrs M’s complains following her unsuccessful appeal for a place for her son, B, at a junior school. B was later offered a place at the school, so I have ended my investigation.

  • Hampshire County Council (19 006 965)

    Statement Not upheld School admissions 23-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mr F complains about the Independent Appeal Panel’s decision not to admit his child to a junior school. There does not appear to be any fault in the Panel’s decision. The Ombudsman cannot question decisions taken without fault.

  • Leeds City Council (19 015 220)

    Statement Closed after initial enquiries School admissions 21-Dec-2019

    Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Miss A’s complaint that the Council has declined to offer a place for her daughter at the school of her choice. This is because we cannot achieve the outcome Miss A wants.

  • London Borough of Enfield (19 004 177)

    Statement Upheld School admissions 19-Dec-2019

    Summary: Mrs L complains about a secondary school admission panel’s appeal decision. The Ombudsman’s decision is we uphold the complaint due to a wrongly addressed letter. But this did not mean the decision of the panel was flawed.

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